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Wallet Factory case studies – Kulikov (Central Asia)
Value delivered
We succeeded in developing The loyalty program impacted backend solution. With this, we
from the ground up a full-fledged greatly customer behavior in terms left our client much creative space
loyalty program for the client and of stimulating cross-selling and for implementing any frontend
delivered the solution in a timely up-selling activities. The mobile concept to their taste and business
and cost-efficient manner. The application gave a new digital vision.
confectionery house was capable momentum that improved user
of winning new audiences for its buying experiences and reinforced All this, together with
sweet goods entering the regional their loyalty with the brand of our improvements of order
market fully equipped with client. management and payment
innovative tech-enabled software systems, has given the client new
solutions. The loyalty program Since our customer loyalty vibrant opportunities to build
based on a gamification approach program came as a custom long-lasting relationships with its
provided customers with new white-label application, we customers across the region.
engaging buying opportunities. laser-focused on building a solid
“Creating new bright buying experiences for our both new and long-term customers is a top priority of
Kulikovsky confectionery house. This given, the effectiveness of traditional methods and techniques of
acquiring and retaining customers is long gone by now. Businesses are now striving to find new ways
of capturing customers’ attention with digital-first solutions. Adopting a software-driven approach in
marketing is a well-thought-out and cost-efficient practice to engage and retain your customer base. We
truly appreciate the commitment made by Wallet Factory while delivering us with the reliable backend
development solution. The joint software project has already brought us new audiences and enhanced
customer loyalty and satisfaction with our brand via great gamified buying experiences.” –
Denis Gayvoronskiy
CEO of Kulikovsky
End-customers’ feedback
"The app update brought my user and get rewarded. Glad to have it on my "I really like your sleek design! The
experience literally to a new level. It smartphone." – loyalty app is intuitive and user-friendly.
is way more convenient to use and Saken Alepbaev With its new update, the app has got a
navigate between the options. Now unique, sort of homelike atmosphere.
I can easily stay current with all the "I like the update you have rolled out Thanks!" –
brand events. Thank you!" – recently. I find the stories feature quite
attractive. Looking forward to more Aselya Haki
Khalidah Turdybakiev new features to come soon." –
"My experience has been perfect so far. Anastasiya Rodzina
The loyalty program is indeed engaging
and stimulate users to do extra steps
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