Page 16 - Cases for interactive book
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Wallet Factory case studies – Raiffeisen Bank (Ukraine)

          Raiffeisen Bank:

          Digitization and tokenization of bank

          cards with Google Pay and Apple Pay

          Raiffeisen Bank is a well-known and reliable                  Business needs
          institution that provides its financial services              and requirements
          in Ukraine. Our collaboration started in 2019,
          when Raiffeisen Bank reached out to Cartsys                   Thanks to NFC technology, digital wallet
                                                                        platforms are coupled with mobile
          Ltd., a certified Visa and Mastercard vendor and              phones and turn the latter into robust

          part of the Wallet Factory company group. As a                online payment tools. Our Client's primary
          leading issuer, Raiffeisen was not going to stay              requirement was to leverage the technology
                                                                        to connect users’ smartphones with NFC
          away from tech innovations. With increasing                   modules with global digital wallet platforms
          mobile penetration rates, the idea was to                     like Google Pay and Apple Pay, developing a
                                                                        software solution that would allow for easy
          enable the smartphone payments for goods                      digitalization of users’ bank cards into so-
          and services. We managed to digitalize client’s               called tokens. These tokenized cards were
          bank cards and connect with global digital                    supposed to be utilized for a wide range of
                                                                        online payments while the software app had
          wallets from Apple and Google. The next project               to feature various options for convenient
          included even more challenging tasks.                         transactions.

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