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Wallet Factory case studies – zaky/areeba (Lebanon)
Value delivered
Since its launch, zaky succeeded client’s target audience. Today, downloads that are still counting.
in reaching wider audiences in the zaky is free to download across The eWallet has been delivered in
MENA region. The digital wallet all the leading mobile app stores three software versions custom-
application has been developed like Google Play, App Store, and tailored to each user group with
and deployed catering to the HUAWEI AppGallery. The app its own feature set and usability
needs of all segments of the holds a 5-star rating with lots of benefits.
Consumer app Merchant app Web admin panel
• Easy authorization and onboarding • Quick new merchant authorization • Reporting tools for merchant &
user operations
• Adding cards with top-up and • Smooth data-secure invoicing
withdrawal features procedure • Database with user and merchant
• Acceptance of merchant invoice • Detailed access to payment historical
payments, payment history data • Settings for overdraft limits and
commission fees
“Switching to mobile-first financial services is the only and evident way in today’s largely cashless
world. With our zaky eWallet solution, we address underbanked customers in the MENA region
while meeting their expectations for a cutting-edge accessible digital wallet application. We
truly appreciate Wallet Factory for its immense contribution to our mobile payment platform
development and solid support and maintenance.” –
Rabih Kassab
zaky Product Owner at areeba
End-customers’ feedback
“An amazing app with extremely “Easy to use; Pay as you go… Amazing “All-in-one app with money
friendly features. Excellent way to app that hosts all your cards and transfer, mobile recharge (local and
transfer money. Very transparent and manages your payments within an all- international), pay by wallet, scan QR
very fast. Highly recommended.” – in-one application.” – and pay, and many other services.
Seamless use.” –
Nadine GH Eid Issam Adra
“No headache with Zaky, no big fees for Charbel Boustany
money transfer, no waiting in the queue
“Wonderful app just downloaded and in the bank... in less than 3 steps you do
it's a very nice experience.” – whatever you want.” –
Jalal Kasb Mohammad Kassab
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