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Wallet Factory case studies – EasyCash (Egypt)
Value delivered
After the soft launch of Consumer app Merchant app Web admin panel
EasyCash, the positive
feedback from B2C and • QR code- • Quick new • Reporting tools for merchant & consumer
B2B users was numerous based merchant wallets and operations
onboarding and
payments &
and is still counting. All Online cards registration • Database with consumer and merchant lists
this, along with successful along with an accounting model for different
post-deployment • Send & • In-store accounting and business entities
usability testing, has receive payments for • Settings for overdraft limits and commission
made EasyCash the transfer retail, and other fees
eWallet app of choice requests services
for many Egyptian
mobile phone users and • Split-the-bill • QR code
merchants. Below is and Shake- generation and
payment history
the list of user-focused options
features implemented by
Wallet Factory to drive
seamless online payment
experiences and improve
financial inclusion in the
MENA region.
“The emergence of new global technology innovations, especially in mobile use, has become a key driver of
digital transformation along with financial inclusion growth in the region. The EasyCash eWallet application
delivered by Wallet Factory helps encourage mobile phone users and merchants towards the widespread
adoption of digital payments in the Egyptian market.” –
Hesham Omran
Chief Technology Officer at EasyCash
End-customers’ feedback
“Great app. You can scan QR code from “Frankly, it is the best program for “EasyCash app is what we really
a merchant and pay fast. I also tried transferring the balance. It also need here in Egypt. I've started using
sending money to my friends and it has many other advantages. With EasyCash and find it very helpful when
works just fine. Hope the coverage will EasyCash, I can easily transfer to any it comes to quick money transfers,
spread further.” – electronic wallet. The program is very online payments or in-store purchases.
nice.” – Strongly recommend.” –
Fatima Mamdoh
Sharooq Khaled Abd-Elkhaadi Ahmad Tareeq Abdelaziz Badawy
“Best wallet in Egypt.” –
Abdelrahman El-Shorbagy
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