Page 17 - Cases for interactive book
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Wallet Factory case studies – Raiffeisen Bank (Ukraine)

          Solution highlights

          To enhance capabilities of the existing infrastructure and help the
          client combine traditional payment methods with tech-enabled
          solutions, Wallet Factory did the following optimization:
          •  The process of seamless integration of a new digital card platform
            with both bank systems and VTS (Visa Token Service) and MDES
            (MasterCard Digital Enablement Service) tokenization services was
            done and tested in quite a short time

          •  The next big thing was to expand the feature set of the digital card
            platform. It was done in 2020 and allowed the client to provide
            tokenization services of the bank's cards issued for its customers to
            be further used across eCommerce platforms

          •  Finally, we succeeded in implementing card tokenization
            functionality on Xiaomi NFC-enabled wearable devices

              Sign in screen        Marketplace          Customer cards                    Home screen

                        Transfer options               'More' tab bar section             Transactions split

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