Page 22 - Cases for interactive book
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Wallet Factory case studies – LotOK (Ukraine)


          Implementing a customer loyalty program

          for a retail chain

          Instilling loyalty is what can help grow and scale            Business needs
          up any retail business. LotOK, a dynamically                  and requirements
          developing network of 100+ convenience stores
          and self-service minimarkets mainly from                      Due to the dynamic growth and scaling
                                                                        up of the company, the retailer needed
          capital region of Ukraine, wanted to implement                to understand their customer behavior

          a mobile-first customer loyalty platform to                   and consuming taste and wanted a single
          improve an omnichannel strategy and reach its                 software solution that would help win new
                                                                        audiences, engage existing customers,
          customers where they are. LotOK is developing                 and solidify its brand presence in the
          a new shopping culture in which convenience                   region. There was a request for a mobile
                                                                        app that would allow businesses to make
          (neighborhood format), affordability, freshness,              personalized offers based on customers'
          and higher levels of comfort and service are                  identification and behavior analysis.
          the most important aspects. The most effective                At the same time, business owners found
                                                                        it ineffective to use ready-made non-
          way to build customer loyalty is via mobile                   personalized mobile loyalty apps available
          applications with personalized loyalty programs.              on the market as their competitors did.

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