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Wallet Factory case studies – Arber (Ukraine)

          Value delivered

          The implementation of the loyalty points program brought our client the following results:

                            1      The customer churn was greatly reduced, with fewer people
                                   quitting buying products that is quite normal.

                            2      Higher cost-efficiency: with operational cost minimization on
                                   customer loyalty programs, over half of the points were used that

                                   led to the forecast for further sales growth from 3 to 7%.

                            3      The emotional bond with customers increased thanks to omnichannel
                                   strategy: loyalty points programs, time-limited gift incentives,

                                   personalized communication with  customers via Viber, SMS, e-mail.

             “Switching from a discount to a points-based loyalty program has many advantages. Our company can now leverage a cost-
              efficient model and get a strong emotional bond with customers. Increasing customer loyalty is very important, because
             retaining customers is much cheaper than attracting new ones. A well-prepared Customer Journey Map helped us identify
             critical points and minimize churn. We have also managed to perform a high-quality migration of data of existing customers
                   to ensure the most comfortable transition process that was welcomed by both the client and customers.” –
                                                  Ruslan Dymchuk

                                                Head of the Rewards platform

          End-customers’ feedback

          “I have been buying in the online store   the mobile app and you can choose   your platform with the mobile app.
          for a while, but I find the interface   from various styles and price options.   What has to be done is just to turn on
          of the mobile version of the website   Thank you for the application, with   push notifications, so not to miss the
          not very user-friendly. The mobile   each update you add new and improve   announcement of new collections :)” –
          application is much more convenient, I   existing features!” –                           Eric Whitetaker
          have been waiting for it for a long time.              Velymyr Owen
          Thanks a lot!” –

                          Diana Michelbacher                                    “Great to have all in place through the
                                             “I love personalized daily offers and   app! Easy to choose from and buy any
                                             in-app notifications a lot! Also, it is   men’s clothes for my hubby, friends,
          “Everything is good for now. There   quite easy to search across new   and relatives. Good way to go!” –
          are a lot of new brands appearing in   products constantly appearing on                   Helen Woods

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