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Wallet Factory case studies – Arber (Ukraine)


          Increasing customer loyalty

          for apparel & fashion retailer

          Arber is one of the largest manufacturers                     Business needs
          and retailers of men’s business clothing in                   and requirements
          Ukraine. Its classic business and casual apparel
          collections include men’s fashion outfits,                    The client needed a fully-functional
                                                                        customer loyalty platform to get more
          footwear, and accessories. Along with its regular             detailed information about customers,

          clothes, there is premium clothing dedicated to               their buying preferences, and shopping
          its founder, Gregory Arber. Starting in 1990, now             behaviors. The platform had to enable
                                                                        smooth communication with customers
          Arber operates five clothing factories and over               while offering personalized benefits. Before
          100 shops to satisfy their customers. The high-               that, the brand used to have a discount
                                                                        system for its regular customers. Discount
          quality business wear has its own unique design               rates varied in accordance with the funds
          and meets today’s style trends in the apparel                 spent. We were tasked to make a seamless
          market. The loyalty program was needed to                     transition of the client’s customer base
                                                                        to the new platform, including customer
          build customer satisfaction via the emotional                 database update/migrationa and purchase
          bond with the clothing brand.                                 history data transfer.

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