Page 26 - Cases for interactive book
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Wallet Factory case studies – Arber (Ukraine)

          Solution highlights

                               User web           Admin web
           Mobile eWallet
                               dashboard          dashboard
           The new mobile app   The loyalty web-  Customers had
           was designed to     based platform     an opportunity
           provide customers   consists of a set of   to create their
           with:               features necessary   own web-based
           •  Notifications    to launch, control,   accounts on the
            about              and measure any    client’s website:
            personalized sales   customer loyalty   •  Easy sign-up
            offerings          campaign:           and sign-in
                               •  Smart settings   processes
           •  In-app purchase
            history and added   for configuring   •  Balance check,
                                rewards options
            virtual cards                          new points
                                and requisites
           •  iOS and Android   •  Marketing and   earned info,
            platform support                       and purchase
                                analytical tools   history
           •  PIN & fingerprint   •  Single web   •  Access to
                                interface to       all sales
           •  QR-code or NFC    monitor the        promotions
            options for cashier   customer         and offers
            contactless         lifetime value     available,
            payments            (CLV) at every     company and
                                step               product news
           •  GPS data-driven
            info to fina a     •  Communication   •  Management
            nearby store        tools              of personal
                                                   data details,
           •  Admin access to   •  White-label
            facilitate customer   mobile app       and email
            data and email      for any brand
            broadcasts          customization      preferences

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