Page 18 - Cases for interactive book
P. 18
Wallet Factory case studies – Raiffeisen Bank (Ukraine)
Value delivered
Along with integration of its canceling their payment • Tokenized cards received their
current capacities with Google operations on the go, right at the own unique payment token that
Pay and Apple Pay online cashier’s desk. can be used only on the given
payment systems and innovative • Data transfer speed was device.
technology enablement for bank much faster than the ordinary
card tokenization, the client got operations done with a plastic All in all, the digital payment
the following benefits from our card. software built and delivered to the
software development solutions: bank by Cartsys greatly combined
• Tokenized payments with
• An intuitive user app interface a mobile phone became far two features. The payment
with UX design to allow bank safer due to modern phones’ app enabled the client and its
customers to easily make any authentication methods like customers with two advantageous
transactions online using their biometrics, fingerprint and face opportunities—it ensured fast
mobile phone with tokenized recognition, etc. card tokenization and gave a
cards. user-friendly interface. All this
made everyday online payments
• The software with digitized
cards provided smartphone way easier and safer improving
users with multichoice options customer experiences with the
for accepting, editing, or bank services.
“Using contactless NFC mobile payments is a global trend that keeps gaining traction around the globe. Our
bank is happy to implement this technology together with VISA and Mastercard while integrating Google
Pay, Apple Pay, and Xiaomi. The solution allows customers to easily manage their tokens, securely generating
up to 99 tokens to one payment app. Due to card tokenization, smartphone users can pay online in food
supermarkets, transport, restaurants, gas stations — anywhere with terminals for contactless payments. I
highly appreciate our cooperation with Cartsys Ltd and Wallet Factory. Our bank is happy to have been their
client for many years. We value the level of services they provide, commitment, and forward-thinking.” –
Olexandr Prykhodko
IT Systems Operation Division of Raiffeisen Bank
End-customers’ feedback
"Really fast and easy to use. Also, "Finally! I was waiting for so long to have "Previous version didn't work on
it looks like that dev team is using it on the mobile phone. Works smooth Samsung Galaxy S22+ from the secure
feedback to improve the experience." – and good :)" – folder, but devs fixed it a couple weeks
after my email report. They were also
Srdjan Nikolic Vladyslav Ushakov
so kind to reach out, notify me, and
check if the new version worked :)" –
"Excellent, it has helped me work much "All good, prompt, responsive, intuitive
faster because I'm moving much more interface." – Marko Binić
because of work. It's easier to access Andriy Chaika
via phone." –
Josias De Lima
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