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98     SECTION II  Autonomic Drugs

                                      OH                             OH

                        HO            CH               HO           CH              HO            CH 2
                        HO            CH 2             HO           CH 2            HO            CH 2
                                      NHCH 3                        NH 2                          NH 2
                           Epinephrine                   Norepinephrine                 Dopamine
                                                           MAO                       MAO        COMT
                                       HO           CH                 HO            CH 2     CH O            CH 2
                           COMT                                COMT
                                       HO           C   O              HO            C  O       HO            CH 2
                                                    OH                               OH                       NH 2
                                      Dihydroxymandelic acid         Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid  3-Methoxytyramine
                                      OH                                 OH
                      CH O            CH       COMT     CH O            CH        CH O            CH 2
                        HO            CH 2                HO            CH 2        HO            C  O
                                      NHCH 3                            NH 2                      OH
                           Metanephrine                     Normetanephrine          Homovanillic acid
                                     CH O           CH
                                       HO           C   O
                                         mandelic acid

                 FIGURE 6–6  Metabolism of catecholamines by catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and monoamine oxidase (MAO). (Reproduced, with
                 permission, from Gardner DG, Shoback D [editors]: Greenspan’s Basic & Clinical Endocrinology, 9th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2011. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.)

                 specific population of neurons can change in response to environ-  provides techniques for the discovery and expression of genes that
                 mental factors such as the light-dark cycle.        code for related receptors within these groups (see Chapter 2).
                                                                        The primary acetylcholine receptor subtypes were named after
                                                                     the alkaloids originally used in their identification: muscarine
                 AUTONOMIC RECEPTORS                                 and nicotine, thus  muscarinic and  nicotinic receptors. In the
                                                                     case of receptors associated with noradrenergic nerves, the use
                 Historically, structure-activity analyses, with careful comparisons of   of the names of the agonists (noradrenaline, phenylephrine, iso-
                 the potency of series of autonomic agonist and antagonist analogs,   proterenol, and others) was not practicable. Therefore, the term
                 led to the definition of different autonomic receptor subtypes,   adrenoceptor is widely used to describe receptors that respond to
                 including muscarinic and nicotinic cholinoceptors, and α, β, and   catecholamines such as norepinephrine. By analogy, the term cho-
                 dopamine  adrenoceptors  (Table 6–2). Subsequently,  binding of   linoceptor denotes receptors (both muscarinic and nicotinic) that
                 isotope-labeled ligands permitted the purification and characteriza-  respond to acetylcholine. In North America, receptors were col-
                 tion of several of the receptor molecules. Molecular biology now   loquially named after the nerves that usually innervate them; thus,
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