Page 149 - Basic _ Clinical Pharmacology ( PDFDrive )
P. 149

CHAPTER 8  Cholinoceptor-Blocking Drugs     135

                     SUMMARY  Drugs with Anticholinergic Actions

                                     Mechanism                                              Pharmacokinetics, Toxicities,
                     Subclass, Drug  of Action         Effects           Clinical Applications  Interactions
                     MOTION SICKNESS DRUGS
                       •  Scopolamine  Unknown mechanism in   Reduces vertigo,   Prevention of motion   Transdermal patch used for motion sickness
                                     CNS               postoperative nausea  sickness and postoperative   • IM injection for postoperative use • Toxicity:
                                                                         nausea and vomiting  Tachycardia, blurred vision, xerostomia,
                                                                                            delirium • Interactions: With other
                       •  Dicyclomine  Competitive antagonism   Reduces smooth muscle   Irritable bowel syndrome,   Available in oral and parenteral forms • short t ½
                                     at M 3  receptors  and secretory activity of   minor diarrhea  but action lasts up to 6 hours • Toxicity:
                                                       gut                                  Tachycardia, confusion, urinary retention,
                                                                                            increased intraocular pressure • Interactions:
                                                                                            With other antimuscarinics
                       •  Hyoscyamine: Longer duration of action

                       •  Atropine   Competitive antagonism   Causes mydriasis and   Retinal examination;   Used as drops • long (5–6 days) action • Toxicity:
                                     at all M receptors  cycloplegia     prevention of synechiae   Increased intraocular pressure in closed-angle
                                                                         after surgery      glaucoma • Interactions: With other
                       •  Homatropine: Shorter duration of action (12–24 h) than atropine
                       •  Cyclopentolate: Shorter duration of action (3–6 h)
                       •  Tropicamide: Shortest duration of action (15–60 min)
                     RESPIRATORY (ASTHMA, COPD)
                       •  Ipratropium  Competitive, nonselective   Reduces or prevents   Prevention and relief of   Aerosol canister, up to qid • Toxicity:
                                     antagonist at M receptors  bronchospasm  acute episodes of   Xerostomia, cough • Interactions: With other
                                                                         bronchospasm       antimuscarinics
                       •  Tiotropium, aclidinium, and umeclidinium: Longer duration of action; used once daily

                       •  Oxybutynin  Slightly M 3 -selective   Reduces detrusor smooth   Urge incontinence;   Oral, IV, patch formulations • Toxicity:
                                     muscarinic antagonist  muscle tone, spasms  postoperative spasms  Tachycardia, constipation, increased intraocular
                                                                                            pressure, xerostomia • Patch: Pruritus
                                                                                            • Interactions: With other antimuscarinics
                       •  Darifenacin, solifenacin, and tolterodine: Tertiary amines with somewhat greater selectivity for M 3  receptors
                       •  Trospium: Quaternary amine with less CNS effect

                     CHOLINERGIC POISONING
                       •  Atropine   Nonselective competitive   Blocks muscarinic excess   Mandatory antidote for   Intravenous infusion until antimuscarinic
                                     antagonist at all   at exocrine glands, heart,   severe cholinesterase   signs appear • continue as long as necessary
                                     muscarinic receptors in   smooth muscle  inhibitor poisoning  • Toxicity: Insignificant as long as AChE
                                     CNS and periphery                                      inhibition continues
                       •  Pralidoxime  Very high affinity for   Regenerates active AChE;   Usual antidote for early-  Intravenous every 4–6 h • Toxicity: Can cause
                                     phosphorus atom but   can relieve skeletal   stage (48 h) cholinesterase   muscle weakness in overdose
                                     does not enter CNS  muscle end plate block  inhibitor poisoning
                    AChE, acetylcholinesterase; CNS, central nervous system; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; IM, intramuscular.
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