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CHAPTER 9 Adrenoceptor Agonists & Sympathomimetic Drugs 155
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Apraclonidine Iopidine Hollenberg SM: Vasoactive drugs in circulatory shock. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
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Dexmethylphenidate Focalin Insel PA: β(2)-Adrenergic receptor polymorphisms and signaling: Do variants
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Midodrine ProAmatine
Mirabegron Myrbetriq
Modafinil Provigil
Naphazoline Generic, Privine
Norepinephrine Generic, Levophed
Olodaterol Striverdi respimat
Oxymetazoline Generic, Afrin, Neo-Synephrine
12 Hour, Visine LR
Phenylephrine Generic, Neo-Synephrine
Pseudoephedrine Generic, Sudafed
Tetrahydrozoline Generic, Visine
Tizanidine Zanaflex
Xylometazoline Generic, Otrivin
* α 2 Agonists used in hypertension are listed in Chapter 11. β 2 Agonists used in asthma
are listed in Chapter 20. Norepinephrine transporter inhibitors are listed in Chapter 30.
The clinical picture is that of autonomic failure. The best this patient was given the α blocker tamsulosin. Conversely,
indicator of this is the profound drop in orthostatic blood these patients are hypersensitive to the pressor effects of
pressure without an adequate compensatory increase in α agonists and other sympathomimetics. For example, the
heart rate. Pure autonomic failure is a neurodegenerative α agonist midodrine can increase blood pressure signifi-
disorder selectively affecting peripheral autonomic fibers. cantly at doses that have no effect in normal subjects and
Patients’ blood pressure is critically dependent on whatever can be used to treat their orthostatic hypotension. Caution
residual sympathetic tone they have, hence the symptomatic should be observed in the use of sympathomimetics (includ-
worsening of orthostatic hypotension that occurred when ing over-the-counter agents) and sympatholytic drugs.