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CHAPTER 9  Adrenoceptor Agonists & Sympathomimetic Drugs        153

                    processes underlying anaphylaxis. It is recommended that patients   Additional Therapeutic Uses
                    at risk for anaphylaxis carry epinephrine in an autoinjector
                    (EpiPen, Auvi-Q) for self-administration. Recent price-gouging   Although the primary use of the α  agonist clonidine is in the treat-
                    increases in the cost of the EpiPen in the USA have raised fears   ment of hypertension (see Chapter 11), the drug has been found to
                    that high costs will limit access to this drug.      have efficacy in the treatment of diarrhea in diabetics with autonomic
                                                                         neuropathy, perhaps because of its ability to enhance salt and water
                    Ophthalmic Applications                              absorption from the intestine. In addition, clonidine has efficacy in
                                                                         diminishing craving for narcotics and alcohol during withdrawal and
                    Phenylephrine is an effective mydriatic agent frequently used to   may facilitate cessation of cigarette smoking. Clonidine has also been
                    facilitate examination of the retina. It is also a useful decongestant   used to diminish menopausal hot flushes and is being used experi-
                    for minor allergic hyperemia and itching of the conjunctival mem-  mentally to reduce hemodynamic instability during general anes-
                    branes. Sympathomimetics administered as ophthalmic drops are   thesia. Dexmedetomidine is an α  agonist used for sedation under
                    also useful in localizing the lesion in Horner’s syndrome. (See Box:   intensive care circumstances and during anesthesia (see Chapter 25).
                    An Application of Basic Pharmacology to a Clinical Problem.)  It blunts the sympathetic response to surgery, which may be beneficial
                       Glaucoma responds to a variety of sympathomimetic and   in some situations. It lowers opioid requirements for pain control and
                    sympathoplegic drugs. (See Box: The Treatment of Glaucoma,   does not depress ventilation. Clonidine is also sometimes used as a
                    in Chapter 10.) Both  α -selective agonists (apraclonidine and   premedication before anesthesia. Tizanidine is an α  agonist closely
                    brimonidine) and  β-blocking agents (timolol and others) are   related to clonidine that is used as a “central muscle relaxant” (see
                    common topical therapies for glaucoma.               Chapter 27), but many physicians are not aware of its cardiovascular
                                                                         actions, which may lead to unanticipated adverse effects.
                    Genitourinary Applications
                    As noted above, β -selective agents (eg, terbutaline) relax the preg-
                    nant uterus. In the past, these agents were used to suppress prema-  An Application of Basic Pharmacology
                    ture labor. However, meta-analysis of older trials and a randomized   to a Clinical Problem
                    study suggest that β-agonist therapy has no significant benefit on
                    perinatal infant mortality and may increase maternal morbidity.
                                                                            Horner’s syndrome is a condition—usually unilateral—that
                    Central Nervous System Applications                     results from interruption of the sympathetic nerves to the
                                                                            face. The effects include vasodilation, ptosis, miosis, and
                    The  amphetamines  have  a mood-elevating (euphoriant)  effect;   loss of sweating on the affected side. The syndrome can be
                    this effect is the basis for the widespread abuse of this drug group   caused by either a preganglionic or a postganglionic lesion,
                    (see Chapter 32). The amphetamines also have an alerting, sleep-  and knowledge of the location of the lesion (preganglionic
                    deferring action that is manifested by improved attention to   or postganglionic) helps determine the optimal therapy.
                    repetitive tasks and by acceleration and desynchronization of the   A localized lesion in a nerve causes degeneration of the
                    electroencephalogram. A therapeutic application of this effect is   distal portion of that fiber and loss of transmitter contents
                    in the treatment of narcolepsy. Modafinil, a new amphetamine   from  the  degenerated  nerve  ending—without  affecting
                    substitute, is approved for use in narcolepsy and is claimed to   neurons innervated by the fiber. Therefore, a preganglionic
                    have fewer disadvantages (excessive mood changes, insomnia, and   lesion leaves the postganglionic adrenergic neuron intact,
                    abuse potential) than amphetamine in this condition. Amphet-  whereas a postganglionic lesion results in degeneration of
                    amines have appetite-suppressing effects, but there is no evidence   the adrenergic nerve endings and loss of stored catechol-
                    that long-term improvement in weight control can be achieved   amines from them. Because indirectly acting sympathomi-
                    with amphetamines alone, especially when administered for a   metics require normal stores of catecholamines, such drugs
                    relatively  short  course.  A  final  application  of the  CNS-active   can be used to test for the presence of normal adrenergic
                    sympathomimetics is in the  attention deficit hyperactivity    nerve endings.  The iris, because it is easily visible and
                    disorder (ADHD), a behavioral syndrome consisting of short   responsive to topical sympathomimetics, is a convenient
                    attention span, hyperkinetic physical behavior, and learning prob-  assay tissue in the patient.
                    lems. Some patients with this syndrome respond well to low doses   If the lesion of  Horner’s syndrome is postganglionic,
                    of methylphenidate and related agents. Extended-release formu-  indirectly acting sympathomimetics (eg, cocaine, hydroxy-
                    lations of methylphenidate may simplify dosing regimens and   amphetamine) will not dilate the abnormally constricted
                    increase adherence to therapy, especially in school-age children.   pupil because catecholamines have been lost from the
                                                           agonists cloni-  nerve endings in the iris. In contrast, the pupil dilates in
                    Slow or continuous-release preparations of the α 2
                    dine and guanfacine are also effective in children with ADHD.   response to phenylephrine, which acts directly on the  α
                    The norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor atomoxetine is sometimes   receptors on the smooth muscle of the iris. A patient with
                    used in ADHD. Clinical trials suggest that modafinil may also be   a preganglionic lesion, on the other hand, shows a normal
                    useful in ADHD, but because the safety profile in children has   response to both drugs, since the postganglionic fibers and
                    not been defined, it has not gained approval by the FDA for this   their catecholamine stores remain intact in this situation.
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