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CHAPTER 9  Adrenoceptor Agonists & Sympathomimetic Drugs        149

                       Norepinephrine (levarterenol, noradrenaline) is an agonist   Isoproterenol (isoprenaline) is a very potent  β-receptor
                    at both  α  and  α  receptors. Norepinephrine also activates   agonist and has little effect on  α receptors.  The drug has
                    β  receptors with similar potency as epinephrine, but has   positive chronotropic and inotropic actions; because isopro-
                    relatively little effect on  β  receptors. Consequently, norepi-  terenol activates β receptors almost exclusively, it is a potent
                    nephrine increases peripheral resistance and both diastolic and   vasodilator. These actions lead to a marked increase in cardiac
                    systolic blood pressure. Compensatory baroreflex activation   output associated with a fall in diastolic and mean arterial
                    tends to overcome the direct positive chronotropic effects of   pressure and a lesser decrease or a slight increase in systolic
                    norepinephrine; however, the positive inotropic effects on the   pressure (Table 9–4; Figure 9–6).
                    heart are maintained.                                  Beta subtype-selective agonists are very important because
                       Dopamine is the immediate precursor in the synthesis of   the separation of β  and β  effects (Table 9–2), although incom-
                    norepinephrine (see Figure 6–5). Its cardiovascular effects were   plete, is sufficient to reduce adverse effects in several clinical
                    described above. Endogenous dopamine may have more impor-  applications.
                    tant effects in regulating sodium excretion and renal function. It   Beta -selective agents (Figure 9–8) increase cardiac output
                    is an important neurotransmitter in the CNS and is involved in   with less reflex tachycardia than nonselective β agonists such as
                    the reward stimulus relevant to addiction. Its deficiency in the   isoproterenol, because they are less effective in activating vasodila-
                    basal ganglia leads to Parkinson’s disease, which is treated with   tor β  receptors. Dobutamine was initially considered a relatively
                    its precursor levodopa. Dopamine receptors are also targets for   β -selective agonist, but its actions are more complex. Its chemi-
                    antipsychotic drugs.                                 cal structure resembles dopamine, but its actions are mediated
                                                                         mostly by activation of α and β receptors. Clinical formulations
                    Direct-Acting Sympathomimetics                       of dobutamine are a racemic mixture of (–) and (+) isomers, each
                                                                         with contrasting activity at α  and α  receptors. The (+) isomer is
                    Phenylephrine was discussed previously when describing the   a potent β  agonist and an α -receptor antagonist. The (–) isomer
                    actions of a relatively pure  α  agonist (Table 9–2). Because it   is a potent α  agonist, which is capable of causing significant vaso-
                    is not a catechol derivative (Figure 9–5), it is not inactivated by   constriction when given alone. The resultant cardiovascular effects
                    COMT and has a longer duration of action than the catechol-  of dobutamine reflect this complex pharmacology. Dobutamine
                    amines. It is an effective mydriatic and decongestant and can be   has a positive inotropic action caused by the isomer with predomi-
                    used to raise the blood pressure (Figure 9–6).       nantly β-receptor activity. It has relatively greater inotropic than
                       Midodrine is a prodrug that is enzymatically hydrolyzed to des-  chronotropic effect compared with isoproterenol. Activation of
                    glymidodrine, a selective α -receptor agonist. The peak concentra-  α  receptors probably explains why peripheral resistance does not
                    tion of desglymidodrine is achieved about 1 hour after midodrine   decrease significantly.
                    is administered orally. The primary indication for midodrine is the   Beta -selective agents (eg, Figure 9–8) have achieved an important
                    treatment of orthostatic hypotension, typically due to impaired   place in the treatment of asthma and are discussed in Chapter 20).
                    autonomic nervous system function. Midodrine increases upright
                    blood pressure and improves orthostatic tolerance, but it may cause
                    hypertension when the subject is supine.
                       Alpha -selective agonists decrease blood pressure through          BETA 1 -SELECTIVE
                    actions in the CNS that reduce sympathetic tone (“sympatho-      HO
                    lytics”) even though direct application to a blood vessel may
                    cause vasoconstriction. Such drugs (eg,  clonidine,  methyl-  HO            CH   CH   NH
                    dopa, guanfacine, guanabenz) are useful in the treatment of                    2   2
                    hypertension (and some other conditions) and are discussed
                    in Chapter 11. Sedation is a recognized side effect of these
                                      agonists (with activity also at imidazo-
                    drugs, and newer α 2                                          HO            CH   CH   CH  CH
                    line receptors) with fewer CNS side effects are available out-                 2   2        3
                    side the USA for the treatment of hypertension (moxonidine,
                    rilmenidine). On the other hand, the primary indication of               Dobutamine
                    dexmedetomidine is for sedation in an intensive care setting
                    or before anesthesia. It also reduces the requirements for opi-  HO   BETA 2 -SELECTIVE
                    oids in pain control. Finally, tizanidine is used as a centrally
                    acting muscle relaxant.
                                                                                                               3 3
                       Oxymetazoline is a direct-acting α agonist used as a topical          CH   CH 2  NH  C(CH )
                    decongestant because of its ability to promote constriction of the       OH
                    vessels in the nasal mucosa and conjunctiva. When taken in large   HO
                    doses, oxymetazoline may cause hypotension, presumably because           Terbutaline
                    of a central clonidine-like effect (see Chapter 11). Oxymetazoline
                    has significant affinity for α  receptors.           FIGURE 9–8  Examples of β 1 - and β 2 -selective agonists.
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