Page 166 - Basic _ Clinical Pharmacology ( PDFDrive )
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152     SECTION II  Autonomic Drugs

                 B.  Chronic Orthostatic Hypotension                 Epinephrine, 1:200,000, is the favored agent for this application.
                 On standing, gravitational forces induce venous pooling, resulting   Systemic effects on the heart and peripheral vasculature may occur
                 in decreased venous return. Normally, a decrease in blood pressure is   even with local drug administration but are usually minimal. Use
                 prevented by reflex sympathetic activation with increased heart rate,   of epinephrine with local anesthesia of acral vascular beds (digits,
                 and peripheral arterial and venous vasoconstriction. Impairment of   nose, and ears) has not been advised because of fear of ischemic
                 autonomic reflexes that regulate blood pressure can lead to chronic   necrosis. Recent studies suggest that it can be used (with caution)
                 orthostatic hypotension.  This is more often due to medications   for this indication.
                 that can interfere with autonomic function (eg, imipramine and   Alpha agonists can be used topically as mucous membrane
                 other tricyclic antidepressants, α blockers for the treatment of uri-  decongestants to reduce the discomfort of allergic rhinitis or the
                 nary retention, and diuretics), diabetes, and other diseases causing   common cold by decreasing the volume of the nasal mucosa.
                 peripheral  autonomic  neuropathies,  and  less  commonly,  primary   These effects are probably mediated by  α 1  receptors. Unfortu-
                 degenerative disorders of the autonomic nervous system, as in the   nately, rebound hyperemia may  follow the  use of these  agents,
                 case study described at the beginning of the chapter.  and repeated topical use of high drug concentrations may result in
                   Increasing peripheral resistance is one of the strategies to treat   ischemic changes in the mucous membranes, probably as a result
                 chronic orthostatic hypotension, and drugs activating  α recep-  of vasoconstriction of nutrient arteries. Constriction of the latter
                 tors can be used for this purpose. Midodrine, an orally active α    vessels may involve activation of α  receptors, and phenylephrine or
                 agonist, is frequently used for this indication. Other sympathomi-  the longer-acting oxymetazoline are often used in over-the-counter
                 metics, such as oral ephedrine or phenylephrine, can be tried. A   nasal decongestants. A longer duration of action—at the cost of
                 novel approach to treat orthostatic hypotension is droxidopa, a   much lower local concentrations and greater potential for cardiac
                 synthetic (L-threo-dihydrophenylserine, L-DOPS) molecule that   and CNS effects—can be achieved by the oral administration of
                 has been approved by the FDA to treat neurogenic orthostatic   agents such as ephedrine or one of its isomers, pseudoephedrine.
                 hypotension. It is a prodrug that is converted to norepinephrine
                 by the aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (dopa-decarboxylase),   Pulmonary Applications
                 the enzyme that converts L-dopa to dopamine.        One of the most important uses of sympathomimetic drugs is in
                                                                     the therapy of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
                 C.  Cardiac Applications                            (COPD; discussed in more detail in Chapter 20). Beta -selective
                 Epinephrine is used during resuscitation from  cardiac arrest.   drugs (albuterol, metaproterenol, terbutaline) are used for this
                 Current evidence indicates that it improves the chance of return-  purpose to reduce the adverse effects that would be associated
                 ing to spontaneous circulation, but it is less clear that it improves   with β  stimulation. Short-acting preparations can be used only
                 survival or long-term neurologic outcomes and this is an area of   transiently for acute treatment of asthma symptoms. For chronic
                 active investigation.                               asthma treatment in adults, long-acting β  agonists should only
                   Dobutamine is used as a pharmacologic  cardiac  stress   be used in combination with steroids because their use in mono-
                 test. Dobutamine augments myocardial contractility and pro-  therapy has been associated with increased mortality. Long-acting
                 motes coronary and systemic vasodilation. These actions lead to   β  agonists are also used in patients with COPD. Indacaterol,
                 increased heart rate and increased myocardial work and can reveal   olodaterol, and vilanterol, new ultralong β  agonists, have been
                 areas of ischemia in the myocardium that are detected by echocar-  approved by the FDA for once-a-day use in COPD. Nonselective
                 diogram or nuclear medicine techniques. Dobutamine can thus be   drugs are now rarely used because they are likely to have more
                 used in patients unable to exercise during the stress test.  adverse effects than the selective drugs.
                 D.  Inducing Local Vasoconstriction                 Anaphylaxis
                 Reduction of local or regional blood flow is desirable for achiev-
                 ing hemostasis during surgery, for reducing diffusion of local   Anaphylactic shock and related immediate (type I) IgE-mediated
                 anesthetics away from the site of administration, and for reducing   reactions affect both the respiratory and the cardiovascular systems.
                 mucous membrane congestion. In each instance, α-receptor acti-  The syndrome of bronchospasm, mucous membrane congestion,
                 vation is desired, and the choice of agent depends on the maximal   angioedema, and severe hypotension usually responds rapidly
                 efficacy required, the desired duration of action, and the route of   to the parenteral administration of  epinephrine, 0.3–0.5 mg
                 administration.                                     (0.3–0.5  mL  of  a  1:1000  epinephrine  solution).  Intramuscular
                   Effective pharmacologic hemostasis is often necessary for facial,   injection  may  be the preferred  route  of  administration,  since
                 oral, and nasopharyngeal surgery. Epinephrine is usually applied   skin blood flow (and hence systemic drug absorption from sub-
                 topically in nasal packs (for epistaxis) or in a gingival string (for   cutaneous injection) is unpredictable in hypotensive patients. In
                 gingivectomy). Cocaine is still sometimes used for nasopharyn-  some patients with impaired cardiovascular function, intravenous
                 geal surgery because it combines a hemostatic effect with local   injection of epinephrine may be required. The use of epinephrine
                 anesthesia.                                         for anaphylaxis precedes the era of controlled clinical trials, but
                   Combining  α agonists with some local anesthetics greatly   extensive experimental and clinical experience supports its use as
                 prolongs their duration of action; the total dose of local anesthetic   the agent of choice. Epinephrine activates α, β 1 , and β  receptors,
                 (and the probability of systemic toxicity) can therefore be reduced.   all of which may be important in reversing the pathophysiologic
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