Page 158 - Basic _ Clinical Pharmacology ( PDFDrive )
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144     SECTION II  Autonomic Drugs


                                                                            3  2    β    α
                                   HO                                      4    1   CH 2  CH 2  NH 2
                                                                            5  6
                                      Catechol                                Phenylethylamine

                                      HO                                 HO
                                                 OH                                 OH
                                   HO            CH   CH 2  NH 2      HO            CH  CH 2  NH  CH 3

                                          Norepinephrine                        Epinephrine

                                      HO                                 HO
                                                 OH             CH 3
                                   HO            CH  CH 2  NH  CH     HO            CH 2  CH 2  NH 2
                                                                CH 3
                                             Isoproterenol                     Dopamine

                 FIGURE 9–4  Phenylethylamine and some important catecholamines. Catechol is shown for reference.

                 prolonging the duration of action of these drugs. Alpha-methyl   D.  Substitution on the Beta Carbon
                 compounds are also called phenylisopropylamines. In addition   Direct-acting agonists typically have a β-hydroxyl group, although
                 to their resistance to oxidation by MAO, some phenylisopropyl-  dopamine does not. In addition to facilitating activation of adre-
                 amines have an enhanced ability to displace catecholamines from   noceptors, this hydroxyl group may be important for storage of
                 storage sites in noradrenergic nerves (see Chapter 6). Therefore,   sympathomimetic amines in neural vesicles.
                 a portion of their activity is dependent on the presence of nor-
                 mal norepinephrine stores in the body; they are indirectly acting
                 sympathomimetics.                                   ORGAN SYSTEM EFFECTS OF
                                                                     SYMPATHOMIMETIC DRUGS

                                                                     Cardiovascular System

                                          CH O                       General outlines of the cellular actions of sympathomimetics are
                 HO                                                  presented in Tables 6–3 and 9–3. Sympathomimetics have promi-
                                                      CH  CH  NH 2   nent cardiovascular effects because of widespread distribution of
                            CH  CH 2  NH  CH 3                       α and β adrenoceptors in the heart, blood vessels, and neural and
                                                      OH  CH 3       hormonal systems involved in blood pressure regulation.
                            OH                     OCH 3                The effects of sympathomimetic drugs on blood pressure can
                         Phenylephrine             Methoxamine
                                                                     be explained on the basis of their effects on heart rate, myocar-
                                                                     dial  function,  peripheral  vascular  resistance,  and  venous  return
                                                                     (see Figure 6–7 and Table 9–4). The endogenous catecholamines,
                            CH  CH  NH  CH 3          CH 2  CH  NH 2  norepinephrine and epinephrine, have complex cardiovascular
                            OH  CH 3                       CH 3      effects because they activate both α and β receptors. It is easier
                          Ephedrine                Amphetamine       to understand these actions by first describing the cardiovas-
                                                                     cular effect of sympathomimetics that are selective for a given
                 FIGURE 9–5  Some examples of noncatecholamine sympatho-
                 mimetic drugs. The isopropyl group is highlighted in color. Meth-  A.  Effects of Alpha -Receptor Activation
                 amphetamine is amphetamine with one of the amine hydrogens           1
                 replaced by a methyl group.                         Alpha  receptors are widely expressed in vascular beds, and their
                                                                     activation leads to arterial and venous vasoconstriction. Their direct
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