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40 SECTION I Basic Principles
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Propranolol, a β-adrenoceptor antagonist, is a useful antihy- a more highly selective adrenoceptor antagonist drug (such
pertensive agent because it reduces cardiac output and prob- as metoprolol) that binds preferentially to the β 1 subtype,
ably vascular resistance as well. However, it also prevents which is a major β adrenoceptor in the heart, and has a
β-adrenoceptor–induced bronchodilation and therefore may lower affinity (ie, higher K ) for binding the β subtype that
precipitate bronchoconstriction in susceptible individuals. mediates bronchodilation. Selection of the most appropriate
Calcium channel blockers such as verapamil also reduce drug or drug group for one condition requires awareness
blood pressure but, because they act on a different target, of the other conditions a patient may have and the receptor
rarely cause bronchoconstriction or prevent bronchodila- selectivity of the drug groups available.
tion. An alternative approach in this patient would be to use