Page 97 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 97



                                        Blood (Intracellular) and

                                        Other Tissue Protozoa

                   LEARNING OBJECTIVES

                   Upon completion of this chapter, the learner will be expected to:

                   ■    Describe the life cycle of Leishmania
                   ■    List the four species of parasite-causing malaria in humans
                   ■    Describe the three types of filariasis
                   ■    Discuss the transmission of lymphatic filariasis
                   ■    Trace the history of dracunculiasi

                   KEY TERMS

                   Amastigotes                     Elephantiasis                   Mucocutaneous
                   Antihistamines                  Encephalitis                    Myalgia
                   Arthralgia                      Filariasis                      Nagana
                   Asplenic                        Giemsa or Romanowski stain      Nematodes
                   Asymptomatic carriers           Gundi                           Occult filariasis
                   Babesiosi                       Hemiptera                       Onchocerciasis
                   Balkh sore                      Hemoflagellates                 Oriental sore
                   Blackflies                      Immunodeficient                 Promastigotes
                   Carnivores                      Leishmaniasis                   Reduviid bug
                   Caudal                          Lyme disease                    Ring form
                   Chagas’s disease                Macrophages                     Sand gnats
                   Coccidians                      Malaria                         Sand flies
                   Copecod                         Merozoites                      Schistosomiasis
                   Corticosteroids                 Microfilaria                    Seroprevalence
                   Dracunculiasis                  Monocytes                       Splenomegaly

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