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72     CHAPTER 3

                   for oocysts, seen microscopically, are commonly used.   the duodenum and gallbladder, and the microspiridium
                   Fluorescent antibody detection methods are now avail-  spore is the infective stage.
                   able, and are considered more sensitive and specific than
                   microscopic methods.                             Morphology

                   Treatment and Prevention                         The spores are extremely small and vary in size from
                                                                    1 to 4.5 μm, making them some of the smallest parasites
                   A number of antiparasitic agents are ineffective against the   currently known. It is extremely difficult to differentiate
                   organism of C. parvum, but those who are immunocom-   between the parasite and a cocci-shaped bacterial cells that
                   petent often are free of symptoms in a short period of time   are prevalent in stool specimens due to similar size ranges.
                   after symptoms appear. Some medications are showing
                   limited success in AIDS victims. Water treatment plants   Symptoms
                   with filtration procedures and sanitary practices will pre-
                                                                    Symptoms of sporidiosis are similar to those of cryp-
                   vent most infections as well as reduce or eliminate runoff
                   of water from animal pens into water supplies.   tosporidiosis. Infants and those who are immuno-
                                                                    compromised (prevalent in many AIDS victims) are
                                                                    particularly affected. A self-limiting diarrhea may occur
                   MICROSPORIDIA                                    in those who have a healthy immune system, and after
                                                                    a few weeks of incubation, nausea with vomiting, fever,
                   Spores are oval in shape but are difficult to differentiate
                                                                    abdominal cramps, loss of appetite, and often watery
                   from bacteria because they are so small. Identification   diarrhea occur. For infants, morbidity and mortality are
                   of spores in feces is actually possible with a modified
                                                                    prevalent as well as in immunocompromised individu-
                   trichrome stain that will stain spores a red color. Three   als (the organism is present in many AIDS victims). The
                   or more organisms of this class are recognized as possible
                                                                    respiratory tract may become involved, as well as the gas-
                   pathogens of humans and are difficult to differentiate but   trointestinal tract.
                   only recently have been considered as human  parasites.
                   Hundreds of species of microsporidian  parasites have
                   been isolated from a number of vertebrates, as well as   Life Cycle
                   from a variety of crustaceans and insects.       The life cycle for the various species of microsporidia
                       The importance of microsporidia lies in the fact that   begins with a spore with thick protective walls to ward
                   they are members of the phylum Microspora, are pro-  off extreme environmental conditions that might harm
                   tozoal parasites of animals and insects that are respon-  the organism. A polar tube is used to infect the cells of
                   sible for common diseases of crustaceans and fish, and   a host and is characteristic of all microsporidia. A spore
                   have been found in most other animal groups, including   that is ingested is stimulated by the gastrointestinal con-
                    humans. Microsporidia are obligate, intracellular, spore-  ditions to penetrate the cellular cytoplasm of the host.
                   forming protozoa known to infect almost any class of   Sporoplasm is spilled into the host cell and multiplica-
                   animal. These organisms appear to have evolved perhaps   tion begins in the cytoplasm of the host’s cells. A number
                   hundreds of thousands or even millions of years ago and   of cellular divisions occur by binary fission, resulting in
                   evidence appears to have been discovered in anthropo-  spore production (sporogony).
                   logical samples. As with other similar organisms, those
                   with compromised immune systems are more vulner-  Disease Transmission
                   able to intestinal infection with Enterocytozoon bieneusi.
                   Infection with E. bieneusi and the condition is becom-  During the process called sporogony the thick cell wall
                   ing increasingly recognized in patients with AIDS and   forms to protect against environmental hazards, aiding
                   chronic diarrhea where the prevalence is up to a third of   in the further spread throughout the host. The organ-
                   those with these long-term medical conditions affecting   isms are excreted in urine and feces where they are able
                   the immune system. But there is still argument among   to infect other hosts. Although microsporidiosis is more
                   professionals over the pathogenic role of E.bieneusi.   common in people with weakened immune systems (i.e.,
                   Replication takes place within the host’s cells, often in   immunocompromised), cases do occur less frequently
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