Page 87 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Protozoal Microorganisms as Intestinal Parasites   67

                   amoeba that inhabits the mouth and is found particularly   drinking from equipment contaminated by an individual
                   in periodontal disease and in smokers. Entamoeba gingi-  with an E. gingivitis infection.
                   valis is a protozoan that is renowned as the first amoeba
                   in humans to be described by investigators. It is found   Laboratory Diagnosis
                   only in the mouth between the gingival pockets and near
                   the base of the teeth. Entamoeba gingivalis is found in   A cyst form has not been identified at this point, and
                                                                    transmission is believed to occur directly from one per-
                   95 percent of people with periodontitis (gingivitis or
                   inflammatory gum disease) and in 50 percent of people   son to another by kissing and sharing drinking containers
                                                                    and dining table utensils and dishes. Only the trophozo-
                   with healthy gums.
                                                                    ite form is the sole form observed, and the  parasite ranges
                                                                    from 10 to 20 μm in diameter. Entamoeba gingivalis pro-
                   Morphology                                       tozoa have pseudopodia that allow them to move quickly,
                                                                    as a characteristic typically found in the trophozoite stage.
                   A cyst form has not been identified, and transmission is
                   believed to occur directly from one person to another by   A round (spheroid) nucleus will be from 2 to 4 μm in
                                                                    diameter and will contain a small central endosome. An
                   kissing and sharing drinking containers and dining table
                   utensils and dishes. Only the trophozoite form is observed   endosome is a lumen (opening) found in the cytoplasm
                                                                    that serves to differentiate between waste products that
                   and the organisms range from 10 to 20 μm in diameter.
                   Entamoeba gingivalis protozoa have pseudopodia that   are transported into lysosomes for destruction and those
                                                                    materials that can be metabolized by the organism. There
                   allow them to move quickly, particularly because they are
                   found only in the trophozoite stage. A round (spheroid)   are numerous food vacuoles and cellular materials, blood
                                                                    cells, bacteria, and other organic materials that may have
                   nucleus will be from 2 to 4 μm in diameter and will con-
                   tain a small central endosome. Numerous food vacuoles   been ingested by the organism. A variety of permanent
                                                                    stains are used, such as crystal violet.
                   are present and cellular materials, blood cells, bacteria,
                   and perhaps other miscellaneous organic materials may
                   have been ingested by the organism.              Treatment and Prevention
                                                                    Treatment where symptoms exist is based on good oral care
                   Symptoms                                         and judicious choices of those whom one kisses. Those at
                                                                    risk or those who have gingivitis should consult with a peri-
                   Most hosts of this organism will be asymptomatic.
                                                                    odontist (dentist with a specialty practice in diseases of the
                   In some cases severe periodontal conditions, includ-  gums and mouth tissues) where deep cleaning around the
                   ing inflammation and pyorrhea (purulent discharge in
                                                                    roots of the teeth is performed on a regular basis.
                   periodontal disease) of the gums, iares present. Serious
                   effects of gum disease may lead to loosened teeth accom-
                   panied by bleeding, which may eventually lead to loss of   COCCIDIA OF THE HUMAN
                   teeth if not successfully treated. In addition, periodontal   INTESTINE
                   disease is known to lead to cardiac problems.
                                                                    Several species of sporozoans have recently been found
                                                                    to inhabit the human intestine and that of other mam-
                   Life Cycle                                       mals. Two of the most prevalent organisms from the sub-
                                                                    phylum Sporozoa are presented in Table 3-7.
                   Reproduction for E. gingivitis is the same as for other
                   amoeboid organisms, through bilateral fission (splitting
                   into two or more parts).
                                                                    CRYPTOSPORIDIUM PARVUM
                   Disease Transmission                             Coccidia are classified as members of the subphylum
                                                                    Sporozoa and are nonmotile and obligate intracellular
                   Transmission has been linked to kissing people with   parasites that have complex life cycles of both sexual and
                     serious gingivitis, smoking that causes constant and   asexual states that occur in definitive and intermediate
                   persistent inflammation of the gums, and eating and   hosts, in that order. Coccidia are found in a number of
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