Page 46 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
P. 46


        Native Perennials Not Dear

        to Deer: Part 1

        Part 2 to be presented in the spring 2024 issue of Free State.

               eer are persistent grazers, seemingly omnipresent   and enjoys moist but well drained soils. The foliage of
               in landscapes, and managing their impact can     ‘BeeBop’, which is in the mint family, is fragrant and might be
        Dbe challenging. Various repellents, such as Liquid     the reason the deer tend to leave it alone. Plants grow in a
        Fence, Deer Out, Deer Stopper, Deer be Gone Repellent, and   clump to 1 ½ feet tall and wide with the flower spikes holding
        Bobbex Concentrated Deer Repellent are available. These   up the small two lipped yellow flowers that are often spotted
        products, containing ingredients like spicy chili peppers,   with purple. The flowers stack on top of each other in stem
        garlic, and rotten eggs, require application after each   ringing clusters resting on a whorl of bracts that are showy
        rainfall for optimal efficacy. Motion-activated sprinklers   and pink. These small but colorful flowers bloom from June
        and bright lights, designed to startle deer, along with solar-  into the heat of July, attracting hummingbirds, butterflies, and
        powered ultrasonic animal repellents, offer alternative   other pollinators, adding not only fragrance and color to the
        deterrents. Some sources suggest using plants with sharp   landscape but flight. These plants do spread by runners to
        thorns or toxicity, though this may create an unwelcoming   form large but not aggressive clumps. Due to it’s love of wet
        environment for humans and pets. Instead, consider the   soils, ‘BeeBop’ is an excellent plant for a rain garden.
        native herbaceous perennials known for their resistance to   Yucca filamentosa, or Adams Needle, and often called
        deer browsing. Choose from plants with fragrant foliage and   Spanish bayonet, is a form of needle palm and produces
        bright blooms that thrive during the high heat and humidity   dark evergreen leaves in as a stemless shrub. Plants thrive
        of mid-summer until the cold of frost. Some perennials that   in full sun and well-drained soils, surviving in high heat,
        grow very tall require the entire summer to reach their full   drought, and salt spray. The name is always a reminder to
        height before blooming. Locating the plants that bloom so   wear protective PPE in the form of eye protection, gloves,
        late in the summer may pose a challenge, but the effort is   long sleeved shirts, and long pants, because the tip of each
                                                                30-inch-long sword shaped green leaf is a sharp spine. As
        This list of native perennials that bloom from July to the   the leaves grow, long filamentous white threads curl off the
        cold frost was compiled from information provided by    leaf margins. The clump of leaves can grow 2-3 feet tall and
        reputable institutions such as the University of Maryland,   can form small colonies from basal offsets. In mid to late
        Rutgers University, Cornell University, North Carolina State   June the flower stalk rises up to 5-8 feet tall from the center
        Extension, University of Georgia, and some excellent garden   of the clump of leaves. Fragrant, creamy white bell-shaped
        centers who also received their lists from the mid-Atlantic   flowers open from the top of the stalk in nodding panicles and
        and northeast Universities. The key takeaway is that when   will continue to bloom in the heat and humidity until late July
        deer face limited edible options due to a large herd, they will   and August attracting butterflies and other pollinators. ‘Bright
        consume whatever is available, even some that deer don’t   Edge’ is a yellow edged variegated cultivar that maintains its
        usually consume.                                        color all year long, while ‘Color Guard’ has a creamy golden
                                                                center surrounded by dark green margins. Both of these
        Monarda punctata ‘BeeBop’ is a spotted beebalm which
        blooms from June to July, thriving in full sun to partial shade,   cultivars add color and drama into the landscape.
                                                                                                       (continued on page 48)
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