Page 50 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
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GROWING WITH EDUCATION (Continued)                      including ‘Balmy Rose’, a compact selection that grows 12
                                                                inches tall and 10 inches wide with bright pink flowers that do
        shorter, sturdier stems. ‘Floristan White’ grows 3-4 feet tall
                                                                not produce seeds, and ‘Fireball’ which grows 15-20 inches
        and 1-2 feet wide with bright white flowers densely packed on
                                                                tall, and the flowers are deep red-purple. The ‘Pardon my
        the 2-inch flower stalk, and the seeds are enjoyed by many
                                                                Monarda’ series grows 10-12 inches tall and 8-12 wide, and
        native songbirds.
                                                                beautiful colorful flowers that are also their names (Pardon
        Monarda didyma, or Bee balm, thrives in full sun to partial   my Cercis, Lavender, Lavender II, Pink, Purple, Rose). Best of
        shade and organically rich, moist soils that never dry out.   all, the foliage is powdery mildew resistant! Other cultivars
        As a member of the mint family, the stems are square, the   can include ‘Pink Frosting’, a compact cultivar with 2-3
        foliage is fragrant, and it spreads by underground rhizomes.   inches wide clusters of pink flowers and ‘Pink Lace’ which is
        Flowers are tubular with lips on top and bottom as a perch   also compact with bright pink flowers. Raspberry Wine’ has
        for pollinators. The small flowers are jammed together on   clusters of beautiful raspberry red flowers with very good
        a densely packed terminal flower head with all of the tiny   resistance to powdery mildew.
        flowers facing outwards like fish jumping out of a pond. Bee
                                                                Lobelia cardinalis, or Cardinal Flower, makes a bright
        Balm flowers are the largest of the Monarda, growing 4-5
                                                                statement with its scarlet red flowers from July to September.
        inches across and can look like a mophead or the singer in a
                                                                Cardinal flowers need to grow in rich moist to wet soils in
        rock band. Pollinators like hummingbirds and butterflies with
                                                                full sun to partial shade, and an application of mulch will
        long tongues hover then dive into the flowers, which provides
                                                                help to maintain soil moisture. The plants are clump forming
        nectar for the 3 weeks the plants bloom, from July to August.
                                                                upright perennials with dark green fine-toothed lance
        The seeds of the Monarda are also enjoyed in the autumn
                                                                shaped leaves that attach alternately on the 2-4-foot-tall
        and winter by native songbirds. The square stems have deep
                                                                leaf stalks that rise above a rosette. In July to September the
        shiny green leaves that have serrated or notched margins
                                                                white, rose or scarlet flowers bloom on terminal spikes above
        that attach to the stems on opposite sides, changing sides
                                                                the foliage. Flowers are long tube shaped with 2 lobes on
        the next leaves upwards. The name bee balm is due to the
                                                                top of the opening and 3 lobes on the bottom, providing a
        use of the leaves to soothe the sting of the bees that often
                                                                handy perch for pollinators. These bright flowers attract the
        pollinate the plants. The leaves have been used to make
                                                                ruby-throated hummingbirds and the spicebush swallowtail
        tea, and the flowers are edible. This all sounds so wonderful
                                                                butterflies, which are the main pollinators. Some of the nice
        until you realize that the leaves are extremely susceptible to
                                                                cultivars include ‘Queen Victoria’, which has a longer life
        powdery mildew, which is exasperated on plants that grow
                                                                and is more adaptable to landscape situations, ‘Fried Green
        in dry soils. There are a number of cultivars worth looking at
                                          Liatris Spicata Close Flower  Monarda Didyma Bee Blam

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