Page 55 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
P. 55         Senate Passes Three of 12 Funding Bills
        resource/resmgr/content/advocacy/2023/AmericanHort-     The Senate has passed three of its 12 government-funding
        letter-christma.pdf                                     bills, totaling $279.3 billion, in a bipartisan effort ahead of a

        Craig Regelbrugge and Matt Mika                         November 17 deadline to avoid a shutdown. The package
                                                                includes Agriculture-FDA, Military Construction-VA, and
                                                                Transportation-HUD measures. The Agriculture-FDA bill
                                                                allocates $26 billion, the Military Construction-VA bill
                                                                provides $154.4 billion, and the Transportation-HUD bill
                                                                allocates $98.9 billion. However, the Transportation-HUD
                                                                bill's $8 billion increase is offset by a decrease in Federal
                                                                Housing Administration receipts. The bills also include
                                                                amendments to prevent funding for mask mandates,
                                                                disclosing VA patient details, and blocking funding for
                                                                Chinese entities. The House has passed seven bills.
                                                                The House rejected a GOP-drafted Agriculture-FDA bill
                                                                due to additional cuts to USDA and other programs;
                                                                27 Republicans voted against the bill because it hurt
                                                                agricultural programs. Speaker Mike Johnson proposed a
                                                                working group to resolve differences. Military Construction-
                                                                VA bill passed without Democrats' support.
        EPA Approves Strengthened Pesticide Safety Plans        Matt Mika and Frida Mendez, DCLRS
        for Certifying Applicators

        The EPA announced the final approval of 67 updated
        plans for certifying applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides
        (RUPs). This announcement signifies that all areas of the
        U.S. can continue certifying applicators of RUPs. The EPA
        updated its Certification of Pesticide Applicators (CPA)
        regulations in 2017, establishing stronger standards for
        those applying RUPs. The 2017 CPA rule mandated RUP
        applicators to submit revised plans to EPA for approval by
        November 4, 2023, including minimum age restrictions,
        noncertified applicator qualifications and supervisor
        requirements, enhanced competency requirements, and
        assessments. In these revisions of plans, a certification
        is now required for aerial, fumigation, and predator
        control RUPs. Additionally, certifications are now valid
        for a maximum of five years, a change from the previous                Craig J. Regelbrugge
        practices where there was no federal limit. EPA has                    Executive Vice President of Advocacy, Research
        approved five tribal plans, with one finalized. Applicators            & Industry Relations at AmericanHort
        certified under the tribe's plan will transition to EPA federal        202-789-8111
        certification until revised. Once published in the Federal
        Register notice, a list of the plans will be available in docket
        EPA-HQ-OPP-2022-0509 at Copies of                 Matt Mika
        the approved plans can be found at https://cpardpub.epa.               Vice President, Advocacy & Government
        gov/ords/cpardpub/f?p=154:1.                                           Affairs
        Frida Mendez, DCLRS

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