Page 58 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
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                                                                make room for new plants that are trending. The longer
                                                                you’re in the industry, the easier it becomes to make these
          We operate on current knowledge                       judgment calls.

          to make the best decisions about                      I like to say we have become experts at efficiently

          planting strategy, and our previous                   destroying plants. With the combination of a compact
                                                                track loader with a stump puller, a forestry mower to
          information helps relieve some                        mulch the plants in the field, and the rotary spade plow

          of the guessing that can feel                         to incorporate the mulch deep in the soil, we can make a
                                                                growing problem disappear in no time. Don’t forget every
          burdensome.                                           year a plant lives in our field, we spend $15 while it may
                                                                serve no useful purpose.

        selling plant at 3,880 plants. 2023 is not over, but I expect   At Waverly Farm, we maintain a three-year document that
        Ilex sales will be less than 1,000. Ilex opaca and cultivars   tracks the number of plants by species or cultivar we sell
        can take up to 10 years from start to finish for a 6-7 foot   yearly but we also
        plant. Hollies in general average about 7 years. That   have those records
        means, if I expect to sell 1,000 per year, I need 7,000 in   going back to 2007.
        production. Annually, we analyze the data and do what   The three year trend
        I euphemistically call ‘balancing the inventory’ --- killing   line is useful on a
        excess plants.                                          current basis. This
                                                                keeps a reliable
        Reducing Guesswork with Meticulous Record               running record of
                                                                what’s performing
        Some plants will trend for a few years, and then the    and what may just
        demand may decrease. This puts growers in a tricky      be wasting labor,
        situation. We have to decide between maintaining        energy, and space.
        inventory or eliminating plants that aren’t moving to
                                                                We operate on

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