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        the role they play in our cultural and
        natural environments, and engage
        people to conserve nature and
        improve the human experience.”
        Significant for housing plant samples
        from all over the world and for its
        role as one of only four botanical
        publishers in the U.S., among
        other distinctions, BRIT provides a
        fascinating wealth of information
        worth discovering. (

        Key issues being studied at BRIT     Photo 2: The ILLUMINATIONS Past, Present, and Future of Fern Research exhibition created by artist
        range from better understanding      Dornith Doherty includes the eye-catching ANTHENAEUM.
        specific groups of plants, plants    Texas. The Global Genome Initiative   BRIT. Included in these collections are
        from specific regions of the world,   for Gardens is a partnership between   archived field notes written by
        and plants in human-influenced       public gardens throughout the world   botanists and naturalists, resources
        environments. The Ericales program   to collect herbarium specimens        for teachers, and even a cache
        studies species diversity and origin of   and genome resources. The Urban   of nursery catalogs. A special
        various ornamental and sometimes     Ecology Program studies urban tree    climate-controlled section houses
        edible plants of the order Ericales,   populations and their associated    rare books dating back to 1549.
        including blueberries, silverbells,   smaller life forms.                  See photo 1. Special collections also
        and wintergreen. The Texas Plant     Plant taxonomy resources relevant     include botanical artworks ranging
        Conservation Initiative is intended to   to botany, horticulture, and related   from early naturalists through
        raise awareness about the value of   fields are housed in the Library and   contemporary artists. See photo 2.
        plants and conserving biodiversity in
                                             Special Collections department at

        Photo 3: A sampling of herbarium specimens.

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