Page 61 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
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GROWING FORWARD A Leslie Hunter Cario

        Visit to a Plant Biology

        Research Powerhouse

        Photo 1: Thomas Hale and John Hill’s “Eden: or, a Compleat Body of Gardening”, a gardener’s calendar guide published in 1757.

              lant enthusiasts of many       these occupations. A recent trip to   conservation, and education, now
              different specialties make     Fort Worth, Texas for the American    occupying a Platinum LEED-certified
        Pup a large part of the              Public Gardens Association’s Annual   building at FWBG, was originally
        green industry. For those whose      Conference included a visit to the    formed in 1987 to oversee the
        work is related to growing plants    Fort Worth Botanic Garden (FWBG)      herbarium and library of the former
        such as plant propagation, plant     and a tour of the Botanical Research   Southern Methodist University. A
        breeding, or IPM/plant health care,   Institute of Texas (BRIT) located at   team of botanists, researchers,
        for those utilizing plants through   the garden’s campus. This behind-     librarians, and digital media
        design or installation, or for those   the-scenes tour provided a renewed   specialists are the life-blood of BRIT
        surveying or identifying plants      appreciation for the science of plant   and work towards the mission to
        for the purpose of conserving or     biology.                              “explore the critically important world
        restoring habitats, there is much to   This world-renowned non-profit      of plants, collaborate to discover
        be learned throughout a lifetime of
                                             organization dedicated to research,                (continued on next page)

                                                                                             Membership Matters • WINTER 2023   61
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66