Page 63 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
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Photo 4: Heliotropium ternatum (bushy heliotrope) was
        collected by Dr. Thaddaeus Haenke in 1791 and holds the   Photos 5 and 6 avove: A sampling of lichen, wood, seed, and pollen images.
        distinction of oldest sample in BRIT’s herbarium.

        One of the ten largest in the U.S., the   major plant type, including access   The campus uses sustainable
        Herbarium at BRIT consists of nearly   to the 4 million samples across     landscape design as a “living
        1.5 million dried and preserved plant   the Texas Oklahoma Regional        research lab” related to biodiversity,
        specimens from throughout the        Consortium of Herbaria (TORCH).       including its green roof (with live
        world. See photo 3.  The collections   So many well-known botanical flora,   web camera!), prairie, living wall,
        include pressed plant specimens      field guides, and natural history     and pollinator garden, among other
        of vascular plants dating back       books are a product of the BRIT Press   features. See photo 8. Located in
        to 1791, See photo 2, as well as     including The Flora of Virginia. Many   the Blackland Prairie ecoregion of
        bryophytes, lichens, fungi, algae,   of the publications include works     Texas, at the edge of the broader
        slime molds, actual wood samples,    written by FWBG|BRIT research staff   Eastern Temperate Forest ecoregion
        and microscope images of plant       and associates.                       that includes Maryland and most
        pollen. See photos 5 and 6. Detailing                                      of the eastern U.S., a familiar and
        valuable plant information over      Laboratory facilities at BRIT include   often recognizable plant palette
        time and geographic location, these   various means to study botany at     helps to make the designs featured
        specimens are preserved for the      the structural and molecular levels,   here relatable to those from the east
        use of scientists, historians, medical   as well as a biobank to preserve and   coast.
        professionals, law enforcement,      house DNA and plant tissues. See      The Botanical Research Institute
        conservationists, and many others.   photo 7.  Additionally, there is a seed   of Texas, located halfway across
        It’s possible to view digitized      laboratory with a seed bank focused   the country, has a connection to
        plant samples, a work in process,    on collections of rare and threatened   the green industry in Maryland
        organized through portals for each   native plant species.
                                                                                   and may be of interest to MNLGA
                                                                                                (continued on next page)

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