Page 48 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
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GROWING WITH EDUCATION (Continued)                      in shades of gold, orange and mahogany’ and ‘Indian
                                                                Summer,’ which has fuzzy leaves and produces 6–9-inch
        Heliopsis helianthoides, or Oxeye sunflower, is similar to the
                                                                flowers. ‘Cherry Brandy’ has dark cherry red flowers, ‘Denver
        true sunflower. The plants thrive in moist to dry well drained
                                                                Daisy’ with a large mahogany red eye surrounded by bright
        soils in full sun. The Oxeye sunflower is a clump forming
                                                                yellow ray flowers and ‘Irish Spring’ that produces a green
        upright short-lived perennial that reaches heights of 3-4
                                                                eye surrounded by dark yellow ray petals. ‘Moreno’ which
        feet and blooms with 2-3-inch-wide flowers. The light-yellow
                                                                has a deep purple eye surrounded by Mahogany red ray
        brown fertile central cone is surrounded by yellow-orange
                                                                petals, ’Prairie Sun’ with a green eye and orange tipped with
        sterile rays, and the plants bloom from June through
                                                                sunny yellow ray petals, and ‘Sonora’ which produces large
        September. Blooming flowers attract butterflies and other
                                                                5–6-inch flowers with a deep chocolate eye surrounded by a
        pollinators, the Red Admiral, gold and black crescents and
                                                                mahogany red ring tipped with dark yellow ray petals.
        the soft orange and brown common ringlet butterflies love
        the nectar, while sweat bees, small carpenter bees and   Rudbeckia triloba or Brown-Eyed Susan thrives as a short-
        bumble bees collect pollen. Native songbirds feast on the   lived perennial in full sun and sandy or loamy moist soils.
        small seeds in the autumn, adding color and movement    Once established the plants are drought and heat tolerant.
        in the landscape. Dead heading or removing the spent    Plants grow from a dark green basal rosette of leaves to
        flowers tend to encourage the plants to continue to bloom   3-5 feet tall and 1-1 ½ feet wide with the upper leaves having
        later in the season. The 3-6-inch-long toothed leaves are   3 lobes. Plants spread freely with self-seeding. The 2–3-
        attached to the strong stiff stems in an opposite pattern.   inch golden yellow notched petals surround a dark brown
        There are a number of cultivars including ‘Fire Twister’ which   eye and flowers bloom from July to September. Pollinators
        has darker leaves and deep orange ray petals. ‘Light of   including many native bees, wasps, and butterflies which
        Loddon’ has bright yellow semi-double 3-inch flowers while   feast on the nectar. There are 2 cultivars, ‘Prairie Glow’, a
        ‘Lorraine Sunshine’ has yellow flowers and white with green   compact plant growing only 2-3 feet tall and 1-1 ½ feet wide,
        veined foliage. ‘Burning Hearts’ has deep red petals tipped   its multi branched habit provides lots of flowers with bright
        with bright yellow, and ‘Sunstruck’, a compact plant with a   red petals tipped with sunny yellow surrounding a dark
        bright yellow ray flower surrounding yellow to orange cones.   brown eye. The second cultivar, ’Blackjack Gold’ has good
        ‘Tuscan Sun’ is a dwarf cultivar, growing only 15-20 inches tall   disease resistance, and a profusion of 2-inch vibrant golden
        with 2-inch yellow petals around an orange gold eye, and   yellow flowers with dark brown eyes.
        ‘Prairie Sunset’ which grows 3-5 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide,   Liatris spicata or Blazing Star thrives in full sun with moist but
        has purple stems and purple veined leaves, with a deep   well drained soils. The plants grow in upright unbranched
        yellow brown eye and dark red petal ring tipped by bright   clumps, reaching heights of 2 - 4 feet, with one or more
        yellow tips.                                            stalks growing from the base of the plants. The dark
        Rudbeckia hirta, or Black-Eyed Susan, can be a biennial   green grass-like foliage grows 6 - 12 inches long, gradually
        or a short-lived perennial that blooms the first year when   growing shorter as the leaves grow up the flower stalk.
        planted by seeds. The plants thrive in full sun and moist   The bright purple to pink stemless flowers bloom from the
        but well drained soils, growing 2-3 feet tall and spreading   top downwards in tight clusters along the 6–12-inch flower
        1-2 feet wide. The flowers have a dark chocolate brown   stalk. Each flower has 4-10 disks florets, each 1/3 -1/2 inches
        to black center cone surrounded by bright golden yellow   across and bloom July to August. These tiny flowers attract
        ray flowers, expanding up to 3 inches across. These sunny   black swallowtail, tiger swallowtail, monarch, clouded
        flowers bloom from June to late September and sometimes   Sulphur, painted ladies, red admiral and skipper butterflies,
        even into October. Dead heading will encourage the plants   honeybees, bumblebees, carpenter bees, mason bees,
        to continue to bloom. Like many short-lived perennials, the   leafcutter bees, sweat bees, digger bees, leaf cutting bees
        Black-Eyed Susan will benefit from a moderate amount    and hoverfly, which feast on the nectar. The larva of the
        of balanced fertilizer, and if the spent flowers are not cut   Liatris Flower Moth will feast on both flowers and seeds while
        back the plants will self-seed into the landscape. Some of   the Liatris Borer Moth will borer into the flower stalks and eat
        the colorful cultivars include ‘Autumn Colors’ with bicolored   the leaves. Songbirds, like our native goldfinches, enjoy the
        ray petals in shades of yellow, orange, red, and brown   seeds in the autumn. Some great cultivars include ‘Kobold’,
        with a brown eye, ‘Cappuccino’ with 3-4-inch-wide flowers   a compact cultivar with bright deep purple flowers and

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