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1 Charlina 2 Elvrin Septyanti 3 Tria Putri Mustika
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Universitas Riau Universitas Riau Universitas Riau
Pekanbaru Indonesia Pekanbaru, Indonesia Pekanbaru, Riau
Abstract— This study aims to map articles that examine Google Classroom as an online learning facility. This
flipbooks as the variables. Scopus and Google Scholar are used media is considered more familiar and easy to use. On
to gather the data for this study. The selected articles are those the other hand, there are still schools that have
published in international journals and proceedings indexed by
difficulty implementing online learning through
Scopus and/or Google Scholar. The data collection applied is a several platforms because students and parents do not
documentation technique. The procedure for data
documentation begins with Scopus data containing the article have devices or devices to work and other reasons that
support the failure of online learning. The conventional
keyword "flipbook in learning". The data from Google Scholar
is then cataloged in the Mendeley software. Furthermore, each alternative that is still applied by some teachers is that
data is mapped using the VOSviewer software. The data is students or parents take their children's teaching
limited according to the needs of the discussion of the results of materials to school and collect assignments per week
the study, namely articles that discuss flipbooks in learning. to school. In addition, another alternative is to use the
The data analysis process uses a bibliometric approach. The Whatsapp application (hereinafter referred to as WA)
results show that research on flipbooks in learning published in as a learning communication. The biggest challenge
international journals and proceedings is increasingly in today is the ability of students to compete in the world
demand, particularly in 2020 and 2021. However, in terms of
quantity, flipbook articles still need to be improved. This is of science and technology with other countries in the
following the need for teaching materials, especially teaching world [2]. Furthermore, since the pandemic has been
materials that can be used during the distance learning system over for two years, both teachers and students should
during the COVID-19 pandemic. be familiar with distance learning. With current
technological advancements, a new perspective is
Keywords—flipbook, learning, scopus, google scholar required to adapt to the trends and speed of cognitive
development of the new generation of learners through
interactive learning strategies that use electronic
Since the issuance of Circular Letter Number 4 learning modules as supporting teaching materials[3].
of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education Teaching materials to support digital era
in the Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Emergency learning are teaching materials in digital form.
Period by the Minister of Education and Culture, Electronic devices such as computers, cellphones, and
Nadiem Anwar Makarim, the learning process both in gadgets can be used to access teaching materials [4].
schools and universities has shifted to an online Electronic media tools can also help with the
learning system. The impact of changing conditions in distribution of teaching materials provided by the
the online learning process has resulted in all learning teacher. E-books are the result of content collaboration
components adapting to new patterns. Both from the between modules and digital devices, which make it
readiness of the media to carry out online learning, possible to form files with certain formats that make
teachers as facilitators, students as learners, them more efficient than printed books [5]. For
distribution of teaching materials, to evaluating the example, flipbook learning media. The use of
results of online learning. Online learning system (on flipbooks as teaching material is due to several factors:
the network) is a learning system without face to face paper savings, spacesaving, durability, and a search
directly between teachers and students but is carried button that makes it easy for readers to find what they
out online using the internet network [1]. All want [6]. By using a flipbook maker tool, the display
components for almost 3 semesters of the academic of the e-module media will be more varied so that it is
calendar strive to run online learning as much as very easy for students to understand learning materials,
possible. Although, not a few weaknesses of online especially abstract material, material explanations can
learning emerged from all aspects and levels of be strengthened by explanations of learning videos to
education. facilitate student understanding.
In various choices of online learning
platforms emerging, schools and teachers tend to use