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Victoria  McGlynn  [7],  in  her  research,             II.  METHODOLOGY
              discusses how to use flipbooks as learning media. The       This  study  relied  on  data  from  Scopus  and
              results   showed   that   flipbooks   helped   their
                                                                   Google Scholar. The documentation technique is used
              understanding, but other methods were needed because
                                                                   in the data collection process. The data documentation
              each student learns differently. The use of flipbooks as
                                                                   procedure starts with Scopus data containing the article
              learning media, especially to provide material, can be
                                                                   keywords "flipbook" and "learning." It is also mapped
              used  as  an  appropriate  alternative.  Besides  being
                                                                   using  the  VOSviewer  software.  VOSviewer  is  a  free
              considered to be able to help students' understanding in   computer  program  that  can  be  used  to  visualize  and
              learning, the advantages of flipbooks as a medium for
                                                                   explore bibliometric knowledge maps [13]. The data is
              providing  information  in  learning  are  also  seen  in
                                                                   constrained  by  the  needs  of  the  discussion  of  the
              terms  of  efficiency.  Whereas  a  flipbook  is  a  user-
                                                                   study's findings, namely articles that discuss flipbooks
              friendly application that can be accessed via providers
                                                                   in learning. Furthermore, the information was obtained
              such as Android and the like, it can also be integrated
                                                                   from Google Scholar. It is also inventoried using the
              with various online learning media platforms.        Mendeley  software.  The  uploaded  and  saved  data  is
                      Overall,  the  benefits  of  Flip-Book-based
                                                                   saved as a RIS file. A bibliometric approach was used
              teaching  materials  include:  (1)  lower  prices  than
                                                                   to  analyze  the  data.  Bibliometrics  is  the  study  of
              traditional book teaching materials; (2) environmental
                                                                   bibliographic analysis of scientific activities, which is
              friendliness; by using Flip-Books, we have saved paper
                                                                   predicated  on  the  assumption  that  a  researcher
              produced  from  trees  as  well  as  ink  because  the
                                                                   conducts research and must communicate the findings
              Flipbook does not use ink; and (3) the Flipbook is not   to  colleagues  [14].  In  addition,  a  co-word  analysis  is
              damaged  as  long  as  it  is  not  exposed  to  viruses.  (4)
                                                                   used. Co-word analysis is used to calculate the number
              Flip-books are portable and provide a small footprint.
                                                                   of  keywords  from  a  research  document  that  appear
              We  can  bring  hundreds  or  even  thousands  of  Flip-
                                                                   simultaneously  in  the  article  under  study.  These
              Book  teaching  materials  needed  during  the  lecture
                                                                   keywords  are  determined  by  the  writer.  The  more
              process  using  the  gadget  facilities  that  we  already
                                                                   keywords  that  appear  in  a  predetermined  group  of
              have. (5) Save both time and space. (6) The Flip-Book   documents, the stronger the relationship between these
              delivery system is extremely quick. Flip-Books can be
                                                                   documents. Analytical activities are carried out by: (1)
              delivered  in  minutes.  Researchers  hope  that  by
                                                                   calculating  article  content  using  a  bibliographic
              developing  Flip-Book-based  teaching  materials  to
                                                                   description  approach;  (2)  analyze  the  growth  of
              supplement  lectures,  bland  learning  can  be  facilitated
                                                                   research  results  each  year  according  to  the  topic  of
              using existing facilities and curriculum. [8]
                                                                   using flipbooks that are  most researched; (3) identify
                      The availability of learning media will assist   the  writer  and  how  to  collaborate,  (4)  observe  the
              students  in  remembering  both  existing  and  new
                                                                   characteristics of the emergence of the main/auxiliary
              knowledge.  Furthermore,  through  the  use  of  learning
                                                                   writer based on the institution;
              media,  students  become  more  active  by  interacting

              with  and  providing  feedback  to  teachers  and  other
                                                                    Log in using      1.  Search    document  with  article  title,
              students  [9].  Learning  media  consists  of  two   scopus account        abstracts,  and  keyword  as  a  search

              components:  hardware  and  software,  and  it  contains                   within

              good forms of text, audio, visual, image, and animation                 2.  Search   keyword   “Flipbook“   AND

              to stimulate students' thoughts, feelings, concerns, and
              interests and concerns in such a way that the learning
                                                                      Filter the
              process occurs [10]. Every innovation developed by a    documents;
              teacher has the goal of improving learning. This is in   published in   Selected article for analysis; 32 article from 32

              line with Yulaika's [11] belief that the primary goal of   Journal and           document result
              a teacher in developing teaching materials is to make   proceeding
              learning more effective, efficient, and in line with the
              competencies  that  have  been  established.  The  use  of               Network analysis was conducted by using

              technology  as  a  learning  medium  is  one  of  the                             VOS viewer
              innovative  steps  being  taken  in  Indonesia  to  improve
              the  quality  of  educational  learning  so  that  it  can   CHART 1. RESEARCH FLOW OF THINKING
              compete on a global level.
                      The  phenomenon  of  using  flipbooks  is  of
                                                                          III.  RESULT AND DISCUSSION
              interest to the writer to observe in advance how many
              article writers discuss flipbooks as research topics. In      The  results  of  this  study  analyze  the  description
              addition, in what fields flipbook is usually applied in   covering 3 main points based on bibliometric analysis. First,
              research. The findings of the topic analysis reviewing   the results of the study contain a bibliometric analysis that
              the  flipbook  will  be  the  basis  for  the  preparation  of   focuses on the distribution of articles or the appearance of
              further  research.  Of  course,  through  the  stage  of   articles over a certain period. The emergence of the number
              developing flipbook-based teaching materials, they can   of articles that examine flipbooks in learning is the basis for
              have  benefits  for  the  world  of  education,  especially   the interest and urgency of flipbooks in a study. Second, the
              during the COVID-19 pandemic [12].              research  results  examine  the  content  profile  of  flipbook
                                                              articles  in  learning.  This  profile  includes  Subject  area,
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