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TABLE 5. PUBLICATION PROFIL OF FLIPBOOK IN SCHOLAR-INDEXED   West  Nusa  Tenggara,  and  Pontianak.  Figure  3  depicts  the
                                                              relationship  between  the  writers  in  publishing  articles  on
           Category             Article information           flipbooks in language learning.

           Subject   Language  learning  (10),  listening  learning  (1),  reading
           Area     learning (3), writing learning (12)
           Afiliation   Universitas Negeri Malang (4), Institut Ilmu Keislaman
                    Zainul  Hasan  Genggong  Probolinggo,  Jatim  (1),
                    Universitas   PGRI     Semarang    (1),
                    Program Pascasarjana Universitas  Islam  Malang  (1),
                    Universitas  PGRI  Palembang  (1),  Universitas  Negeri
                    Padang  (1),  Universitas  Negeri  Surabaya  (4),  STKIP
                    Bina  Insan  Mandiri  Surabaya(1),    Universitas  Negeri
                    Jakarat  (1),    Universitas  Pendidikan  Indonesia  Kampus
                    Tasikmalaya  (2),  Universitas  Katolik  Indonesia  Santu
                    Paulus  Ruteng  NTB  (1),      Universitas  Tanjungpura,
                    Pontianak  (1),  SMP  Al  Azhar,  Yogyakarta  (1),  STKIP
                    PGRI Trenggalek (1)
           Media    Prosiding (2), Journal (24)
           Source   NOSI Scientific Journal (3), Proceedings of the National
           Title    Seminar  on  Postgraduate  Program  Education  at  Pgri
                    Palembang University (1), Educational Exact Journal (1),
                    Universal Journal of Educational Research (1), JOEICT
                    (Journal  of  Education  and  Information  Communication
                    Technology (1), JOURNAL OF IKA (1), Proceedings of
                    the  Ikip  Budi  Utomo  National  Seminar  (1),
                    Pedadidaktika:  Scientific  Journal  of  Elementary  School
                    Teacher  Education  (1),  Unimed  Journal  (1),  IJORER:
                    International Journal of Recent Educational Research (1),
                    Journal  of  Education  and  Teaching  Elementary  School
                    Teachers  (JPPGuseda)  (1),  Journal  of  Education
                    Technology  (1),  KEMBARA:  Scientific  Journal  of
                    Language,  Literature,  and  Their  Teaching  (1),  JPPD:
                    Basic  Education  Pedagogic  Journal  (1),  Indonesian
                    Journal of Primary Education Materials (1 ), Educational:
                    Journal of Educational Sciences (1)
           Author   Arida rochmawati, H Susanto, R Roekhan, ET Priyatni,   FIG. 3 DISTRIBUTION OF SCHOLAR INDEXED ARTICLE WRITERS
                    Siti  Juariyah,  Yulli  Hariyani,  Nurwahyuni  Sukmawati,   Figure 3 presents an overview of the distribution of
                    Arum  Tri  Lestari,  Mudzanatun,  Aries  Tika  Damayani,
                    Nia  Mei  Rahmawati,  Ruddamayanti,  Fanny  Rahmatina   articles from 2016 to 2021. Most distributions are marked in
                    Rahim,  Dea  Stevani  Suherman,  Murtiani,  Fifit   yellow in 2021. However, based on the mapping in Figure 3.
                    Fitriansyah*,  Suyitno  Muslim,  Diana  Nomida  Musnir,   There are not many articles that are related to each other and
                    Suciati  Purwo,  Mia  Haryati  Wibowo1),  Nurna  Listya   do not cite each other.
                    Purnamasari, Nina Fitriya Yulaika, Harti,, Norida Canda
                    Sakti,  Norma  Diana  Fitri,  Nur  Syafiqoh,    Ardhian    IV. CONCLUSION
                    Nurhadi,,  Trisya  Widiastutik,    Pratiwi  Dwi  Agustin,
                    Khusnul  Khotimah,  Fauzi  Gusman,  Seni  Apriliya,
                    Ahmad  Mulyadiprana,  Siti  Nurjanah,.  Syamsul  Arif,   Research on Flipbooks, especially in learning, has not been
                    Wahyu  Budi  Astutik,  Setya  Yuwana,  Hendratno,  Fitri
                    Wahyuni  ,  Munirah  ,  Sulfasyah,  Siti  Halidjah,  Rio   widely published in Scopus indexed journals or proceedings.
                    Pranata,  Handrianus  Dwianot  Momang,  Muhammad   Likewise,  the  publication  of  articles  indexed  by  Google
                    Insan  Muttaqien,  Rayindha  Melya  Arrum,  Fauzi   Scholar.  Flipbooks  have  been  published  by  Indonesian
                    Gusman,   Seni   Apriliya,   Ahmad   Mulyadiprana,   researchers from 2016 to 2021, both indexed by Scopus and
                    Kalimatus Sa’diyah
                                                              Google Scholar. Research on flipbooks indexed by Scopus
                                                              and Google Scholar is increasingly being studied from 2020
                 Based on article documentation found from Google
          Scholar, flipbooks have been studied in the field of language   to 2021. This is in line with the development of technology
                                                              and  distance  learning  carried  out  during  the  COVID-19
          learning.  The  language  skills  such  as  listening,  reading,
                                                              pandemic.  Flipbooks  can  facilitate  teaching  materials
          writing have been studied. It was recorded that 12 articles
                                                              electronically so that they can be distributed to students via
          discussed flipbooks in learning to write. This field is more
          numerous than other fields, such as the field of learning as   mobile devices or laptops. The flipbook has been researched
                                                              by  10  subject  areas  from  Indonesia.  Based  on  the  search
          many as 10 documents, the field of listening as much as 1,
          and the field of reading as many as 3. For speaking skills, no   results in this study, it becomes the basis for researchers to
                                                              contribute  to  further  research,  especially  developing
          articles  indexed  by  Google  Scholar  have  been  found.  The
                                                              teaching materials by utilizing flipbook media.
          publication  media  most  used  by  researchers  are  journals

          with 24 documents and 2 documents published in the media
          proceedings.                                                         ACKNOWLEDGMENT
                 Based on the information gathered, the writers are
          classified  as  lecturers,  teachers,  and  students.  The  writer's   The author would like to express gratitude to the Faculty
                                                              of Teacher Training and Education, the University of Riau.
          origins span several Indonesian provinces, including Medan,
                                                              As a result, the writer was able to participate in the selection
          Padang,  Palembang,  Jakarta,  Malang,  Probolinggo,
                                                              and approval of the PNBP FKIP grant at the University of
          Surabaya, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Tasikmalaya, Trenggalek,
                                                              Riau, and this article is one of the results obtained.
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