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affiliations, source title, and writer. Third, which country's   TABLE 2. DOCUMENTATION OF ARTICLE IN 2018
          articles have been cited the most. The three components that    Title       Author   Year   Source
          become the analysis appear in the top 10 data.            Developing   flipbook   Andini,  S.,   2018   Journal   on
                                                                    multimedia:   The   Budiyono,   Mathematics

                                                                    achievement  of  informal   Fitriana, L.   Education
                                                                    deductive thinking level
          A.  Development of Flipbook Study Publication             Earthcomm-based   Mauliddia,   2018   IOP
                                                                    Electronic  Module:  The   H.P.,   Conference

                                                                    Learning   Material   of   Muryani,   Series:  Earth
              Based  on  the  Scopus  indexed  data  documentation,   Natural   Resource   C.,      and
          articles that discuss flipbooks in learning have been found   Management Wisdom   Rintayati,   Environmental
                                                                                     P.             Science
          since 2001. The phenomenon of flipbook research as one of   Geometry   in   flipbook   Andini,  S.,   2018   Journal   of
          the variables is increasing, especially in 2020 and 2021. The   multimedia,  a  role  of   Fitriana,   Physics:
                                                                    technology  to  improve   L.,   Conference
          data presented can be seen in Table 1 below.              mathematics   learning   Budiyono,   Series
                                                                    quality:  The  case  in   B.
                           YEAR OF PUBLICATION                      Elementary   school   Andini,  S.,   2018   Journal   of
                                                                    students  visual  spatial   Fitriana,   Physics:
                Publish Year    Number of      Citation             comprehension  based  on   L.,   Conference
                                                                    van  Hiele  Theory:  The   Budiyono   Series
                                                                    case  in  Madiun,  East
                   2001            1             117
                                                                    Java, Indonesia
                   2002            0              0
                   2003            0              0                Furthermore,  in  2019,  3  articles discussed  flipbooks.  These
                   2004            0              0           articles are related to the fields of Mathematics and Science. The
                   2005            0              0
                   2006            0              0           writer of this article is from Indonesia. Their names are Fahmi, S.,
                   2007            0              0           Priwantoro,  S.W.,  Cahdriyana,  R.A.,  Rohmah,  S.N.,  Nisa,  L.C.
                   2008            0              0           with  the  article  title  "Interactive  Learning  Media  Using  Kvisoft
                   2009            1              3           Flipbook Maker for Mathematics Learning". This article is cited by
                   2010            0              0           2  documents.  The  next  article  was  written by  Divayana,  D.G.H.,
                   2011            0              0           Suyasa,  P.W.A.,  Ariawan,  I.P.W.,  Mahendra,  I.W.E.,  Sugiharni,
                   2012            0              0           G.A.D. with the article title “The Design of Digital Book Content
                   2013            0              0           for  Assessment  and  Evaluation  Courses  by  Adopting  Super-item
                   2014            0              0           Concept Based on Kvisoft Flipbook Maker in the era of Industry
                   2015            1             12           4.0” and cited by 4 documents. Finally, Fitriansyah, F., Muslim, S.,
                   2016            1              0           Musnir,  D.N.  wrote  with  the  article  title  "PR  writing  learning
                   2017            0              0           package flipbook as an instructional media". However, this article
                   2018            4              7           has not been cited by other documents.
                   2019            3              6                The  number  of  flipbook  articles  in  2020  and  2021  is
                   2020            12             0
                   2021            9              0           increasing.  However,  there  are  no  documents  that  cite  articles
                                                              published  in  2020  and  2021.  From  2001  to  2021,  there  are  no
                                                              published articles that integrate with language learning. The visual
                 In 2001 and 2009, Flipbook began to be studied by   description of the relationship between these articles can be seen in
          researchers. In 2001 and 2009 flipbooks were discussed in   Figure 1 below.
          the health sector. In 2001, the article entitled “Developing
          and deploying a patient safety program in a large health care
          delivery system: you can't fix what you don't know about”
          has been cited in as many as 117 documents. In 2009, the
          article entitled “Process documentation of health education
          interventions  for  school  children  and  adolescent  girls  in
          rural  India”  was  cited  as  many  as  3  documents.
          Furthermore, in 2015, the article entitled "Combining High-
          Speed  Cameras  and  Stop-Motion  Animation  Software  to
          Support  Students'  Modeling  of  Human  Body  Movement"
          was  cited  by  12  documents.  The  12  documents  started
          citation  since  2015,  2016,  2017,  2018,  2019,  2020,  and
                 In  2016,  Flipbook  started  to  be  written  by
          Indonesian writers. The origin of the department is Biology
          Education,  Tanjungpura  University,  Pontianak  by  Monika,
          I.,  Yeni,  L.F.,  Ariyati,  E.  with  the  article  title  "Creating  a
          flipbook as a medium of instruction based on the research
          on  activity  test  of  the  aromatic  ginger  extract".  However,
          this article has not been cited by other documents. In 2018,
          this  research  was  re-written  by  an  Indonesian  writer.  The
          following information is recorded on Scopus.

                                                                   FIG. 1 DISTRIBUTION OF SCOPUS INDEXED ARTICLE WRITERS
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7