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Flipbook  is  a  type  of  learning  media  that  can  be
          developed  in  a  variety  of  fields.  Flipbooks  were  used  as
          research  topics  in  search  results  in  the  fields  of  health,
          mathematics,  science,  and  computers.  Table  2  summarizes
          the  top  ten  articles  from  the  32  identified  by  Scopus.  The
          publications  described  in  previous  reviews  are  profiled

             Category          Ten Leading Publication
            Subject Area   Physic  and  Astronomi  (12),  Social  Science  (9),
                      Computer  Science  (7),  Engineering  (6),  Medicine
                      (5), Earth and Planetary Science (3), Environment
                      Science  (3),  Nursing  (2),  Art  and  Humanities  (1),
                      Health Professions (1).
            Afiliations   Universitas Sebelas Maret (1), Universitas Riau (4),
                      Universitas  Negeri  Jakarta  (3),  Universitas
                      Teknologi Petronas (2), Universitas Negeri Malang
                      (2),   Universitas   Pendidikan   Ganesha   (2),
                      Universitas  Muhamadiyah  Prof.  Dr.  Hamka  (2),
                      Veteran Administration National Center for Patient   FIG. 2 DISTRIBUTION OF THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF THE WRITER OF THE
                      Safety (1), Universitas Muhamadiyah Parepare (1),
                      Universitas Tidar (1)

            Source Title   Journal  of  Physics  Conference  Series  (10),  IoP
                      Conference series Earth and Environmental Science   The  VOSviewer  application  only  detected  four
                      (3),  Proceedings  International  Conference  on   countries in Figure 2. Indonesia is the country of origin for
                      Computer  and  Information  Science  Sustaining   many articles on flipbooks, both journals, and proceedings
                      Tomorrow  with  Digital  Innovation  Iccoins  2021   that are indexed by Scopus.
                      (2),  Aip  Conference  Proceeding  (2),  International
                      Journal  of  Interactive  Mobile  Technologies  (2),
                      ACM  International  Conference  Proceeding  Series
                      (1), Education for Health Change in Learning and   B.  Flipbook Journal of Language Learning
                      Practice   (1),   Healtcare   Switzerland   (1),   In  contrast  to  the  Scopus  data,  the  search  for  flipbook
                      International  Journal  of  Advanced  Computer   articles through Google Scholar is found so that the writers
                      Science  and  Applications  (1),  and  International
                      Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (1)   limit the search to the field of learning to write. The findings
             Author   Andini S (3), Fitriana L (3), Anwar L (2), Ashari S   on Google Scholar, 26 articles discuss flipbooks in learning.
                      (2),  Budiyono  (2),  Divayana  D.G.H  (2),  Erna  M   The  following  is  detailed  information  on  the  published
                      (2), Fitriana O (2), Linda R (2) , Mahardika R.D.   article.

                                                                                  Number of Article
              Furthermore, the documentation results show that the
          writer's  country  of  origin  is  from  six  different  countries.
          Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Sweden, the United States, and
          the United States are among them. However, two countries
          do not have link strength in their search: the United States
          and the United States of America. According to the quantity,
          the  document  inventory  for  Flipbook  is  mostly  written  by   5                     11
          Indonesian writers. The following orders are from India and         1    1    5
          Malaysia.  Last  but  not  least,  Sweden.  The  table  below   2016  2017         3
          shows most documents and citations.                                     2018  2019
              Country     Document    Citations   Total link       CHART 2. TABULATION OF THE NUMBER OF ARTICLES INDEXED BY
                                                  strength                GOOGLE SCHOLAR BY YEAR OF PUBLICATION
          Indonesia          26         25           3
          India              3           5           2                Similar  to  Scopus  data,  Flipbook  has  also  been
          Malaysia           3           0           2        detected  from  Google  Scholar,  which  has  been  researched
          Sweden             1           1           1
          United States      1          12           0        and published since 2016. 5 documents publish articles with
          USA                1          177          0        flipbook studies in writing learning.

                 Article  mapping  based  on  the  writer's  country  of
          origin  is  also  described  from  the  following  VOSviewer
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7