Page 9 - PPP - Area 4
P. 9

  The Director of the Students Services and Development supervises

                              the  following  student  service  offices/units  of  the  University:

                              Guidance and Counselling, Student Organizations and Activities,

                              Campus  Ministry,  Socio-Cultural  Affairs,  Alumni  Affairs  and


                             The Director of Student Services and Development Works in close

                              Coordination  with  the  following  student  service  offices  of  the

                              University: University Registrar, University Library, Recreation and

                              Sports  Development,  Health  Services,  National  Services  Training

                              Program,  Food  Services,  Security  and  Safety  as  well  as  with  the

                              different College Deans and Directors of the University.

                             All service units shall be called sections to be headed by a section

                              chief /chairman.
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