Page 20 - Urban Kapital New MAY JUNE 2020 ISSUE
P. 20

                 COVID-19 AND ETHNICITY

                           Black people 4.2 times x more likely to die from   •In several cases, the patients’ previous medica-
                           Covid - 19, Asian people 1.8 x more likely but 0   tions were immediately removed, e.g. blood pres-
                           measures in place, back to work everybody!  sure tablets etc.  in each case where this was men-
                                                                     tioned the family were not told until afterwards
                           We have all seen the headlines telling us that   •In all cases we were told about, the families were
                           people from Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority (so   suddenly contacted to say their goodbye’s and
                           called BAME) communities are at higher risk of   upon doing so, expressed concern about the copi-
                           death from Covid 19. For the first time, the Office   ous amounts of morphine being administered to
                           for National Statistics analysed deaths by ethnic-  the patient.
                           ity. Part of me is asking why they bothered, only
                           to tell us their disturbing findings and the Prime   Many videos have emerged online, showing con-
                           Minister to follow with a lockdown lift that includes   cerned relatives of black families in the UK and the
                           not one single measure to protect these so called   US, expressing concern about the above.
                           ‘BAME’ citizens, who are most likely to be on the
                           frontline, or according to findings from every other   Here is what we now know officially. Quote from
                           report, be the most likely to need to return to a low   the ONS report:
                           paid job.
                                                                     “The provisional analysis has shown that the risk
                           The findings are worrying indeed however, it could   of death involving the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                           be argued that the underlying issues are more   among some ethnic groups is significantly higher
                           starkly  associated  to  economic  circumstances   than that of those of White ethnicity.
                           than anything else. The other contributing factor
                           appears to be the treatment received by so called   When considering age in the analysis, Black males
                           BAME patients.                            are 4.2 times more likely to die from a COVID-19-re-
                                                                     lated death and Black females are 4.3 times more
                           The latter would go some way to explaining why   likely than White ethnicity males and females.
                           - although the higher risk of death is dramatically
                           reduced as a Black person if you are in a higher   People of Bangladeshi and Pakistani, Indian, and
                           income bracket, - senior doctors and other high   Mixed ethnicities also had statistically significant
                           income staff on any frontline, still appear to be at   raised risk of death involving COVID-19 compared
                           higher risk of death.                     with those of White ethnicity.

                           Speaking  directly  to  families  and  following  the   After taking account of age and other socio-demo-
                           steady stream of disturbing videos of black peo-  graphic characteristics and measures of self-re-
                           ple who have lost loved ones during the pandemic.   ported health and disability at the 2011 Census,
                           The stories are disturbing, and they go unspoken   the risk of a COVID-19-related death for males and
                           in the mainstream media. These stories tell of old-  females of Black ethnicity reduced to 1.9 times
                           er black people being taken into hospital for vari-  more likely than those of White ethnicity.
                           ous reasons, some may have high blood pressure
                           or diabetes for example and upon feeling unwell   Similarly, males in the Bangladeshi and Pakistani
                           they are admitted to hospital. One older lady we   ethnic group were 1.8 times more likely to have
                           learned about had been taken to hospital following   a COVID-19-related death than White males when
                           a fall. What many of these patients and subsequent   age  and  other  socio-demographic  characteristics
                           stories have in common is their loved ones have   and measures of self-reported health and disabil-
                           subsequently died very quickly, and Covid 19 cited   ity were taken into account; for females, the figure
                           as cause of death. But other common features in   was 1.6 times more likely.
                           these stories include some or all of the following:
                                                                     These results show that the difference between
                           •If the loved one taken into hospital had a DNR in   ethnic groups in COVID-19 mortality is partly a re-
                           place, the families have shared that they were told   sult of socio-economic disadvantage and other cir-
     MAGAZINE // 20        gesting their loved one would receive no help in   has not yet been explained”.                                                                                                                                  MAGAZINE // 21
                           immediately that it would be implemented. Sug-
                                                                     cumstances, but a remaining part of the difference
                           the event they deteriorated.

                                                          Editor: Marceline Powell
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