Page 152 - กรมศุลกากร ประจำปี 2562
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The Customs Department has test-launched the application of Raman Spectrometer, Black Scatter and disposable Test Kits
at 6 main clearance points, Officers have also been assigned to participate in the Coordination Meeting for Sub-Regional
Operation on Program Global Shield and Small Arms & Light Weapons along with WCO and other 9 member states to
identify necessary preparations for the Pre-Operation Phase and Operation Phase and in the Training Course on Introduction
to Strategic Trade Control, in Daejeon, Republic of Korean, in order to learn about risk management and how to correctly
and efficiently operate inspection tools, equipment and technologies.
Development of Customs Valuation System based on Digital Big Data
Since 2000 (BE 2543) the Customs Department has been implementing GATT valuation system for customs
valuation, in alignment with Thailand's agreement with the World Trade Organization (WTO). Up until now, the Customs
Department has always been determined to improve and develop work process to establish standard on customs valuation
based on GATT valuation system and consistently enhance efficiency on tax and duty collection. Due to limited expertise
and knowledge on modern information technology to link customs valuation risk data via Digital Big Data, the Department
has divided the study of the possibility of customs valuation risk assessment system into 2 phases:
1) Short-Term Phase concerns development of the existing database of values of imported goods in parallel with
CIS system to enhance efficiency in analyzing and creating value database to be used during Customs valuation process
by clearance officer to reduce controversies on valuation between the Customs Department and import operators.
2) Long-term Phase involves the study to develop comprehensive and integrated work system for Customs valuation,
from both data and users' aspects, before, during and after goods importation. Additionally, this phase also includes the
establishment of linkage system between databases on duty and tax payers of the Customs Department and the Revenue
Department, to facilitate considerations on Customs valuation risk of each importer. This would reduce issues on Customs
offence for duty payment avoidance, caused by incorrect declaration of Customs values and reduce disputes between the
Customs Department and importers on Customs valuation, contributing to trade facilitation.
Personnel Work Efficiency Enhancement Plan
- Following the Personnel Work Efficiency Enhancement Plan, the Customs Department has continuously
been providing foundations for personnel, in terms of knowledge, skills, and capabilities relevant to the position level
and requirements of respective offices within the Customs Department, based on Training Roadmap and the principle of
Competency-Based Development. The emphasis is on development of Customs knowledge and skills in parallel with
knowledge, skills, and capabilities required in actual operation, especially on digital aspects, information management,
data analysis, and data presentation. These capacity enhancements have been implemented through 8 internal trainings
in FY2019:
1) Customs Knowledge and Skill Enhancement for New Comers
2) Capability Development for Professional Customs Officers
3) Capacity Building for Customs Control Personnel
4) Knowledge Enhancement on Border Trade, Development of Special Economic Zone and Joint Border Management
5) Knowledge and Skill Enhancement on Goods Inspection
6) Thai Customs Department English Skill Enhancement
7) Enhancement of Foreign Language Skills Which are Essential in Customs Operation
8) Digital Technology Skill for Transformation towards Digital Organization
156 รายงานประจ�าปี กรมศุลกากร 2562