Page 132 - Was Menschen wirklich wollen Lese-PDF für Biblets
P. 132

5 - Profiling³: in recruiting: finding the right employees

               and  projects,  and  employees  should  have  the  appropriate
               competencies and behaviors. In addition:

                 Profiling³ with its combination of the six motivators and
                 INSIGHTS   MDI®   helps  you  to  define  the  target  profile  of  a
                 vacant position more precisely, for example by addressing
                 the personality type and the decisive motivators in the job
                 advertisement.  You  can  address  applicants  according  to
                 their type.

               A simple example: If you are looking for a salesperson with a
               high  red-yellow  component  and  a  strong  economic  drive,  it
               makes sense to design the job advertisement accordingly - also
               in  order  not  to  attract  the  attention  of  the  factual-blue  type.
               Experience has shown that a strong sales personality with a high
               degree  of  success  and  goal  orientation  and  a  high  level  of
               communicative  competence  as  well  as  a  self-reliant  way  of
               working,  i.e.  a  classic  red-yellow  salesperson,  is  positively
               addressed   by   the   following   statements   in   the   job

                • "To  secure  our  excellent  market  position,  we  are  looking
                   for  winning,  customer  and  success-oriented  personalities
                   for the field sales force."
                • "Wherever  in  the  world  construction  is  taking  place  -  we
                   are already there as a market leader!"
                • "Through  our  global  sales  network,  we  inspire  customers
                   in  over  ...  countries  by  providing  pinpoint  solutions  to
                • "You  meet  these  requirements:  ...  Strong  sales  personality.
                   Above-average success and goal orientation. High level of
                   communication skills. Independent way of working ..."

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