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P. 145
• A focused drive toward goals
• Effective communication skills
• A readiness to take on significant personal responsibility
• The ability to listen attentively
Additionally, you want the candidate to have a strong drive for prac-
tical results, personal achievement, and a curiosity for knowledge.
These traits aren’t typically expected for such a role, but they’re what
you’re looking for.
You’ve narrowed down the candidates and invited them for inter-
views. While their applications suggest they meet the criteria, you
now need to conduct a more in-depth analysis. As someone trained
in understanding people’s underlying motivators and behaviors, you
aim to discover what truly motivates each candidate and whether
they align well with the role. You’ll apply the understanding you’ve
gained, particularly from chapters 1, 4, 5, and 6, to craft questions
that reveal the candidates’ fundamental behavioral types and mo-
tivators. Your task is to connect this knowledge to the specific job
requirements and each individual applicant.
The Importance of Understanding Motivation
Assessing the technical skills and qualifications of a job applicant is
usually straightforward. Their resumes and credentials reveal their
education and past professional roles. It’s also routine to ask about
basic employment details, like their availability to start work.
However, what’s truly critical is understanding the applicant’s be-
havioral style. How do they interact socially, apply their problem-
solving skills, and collaborate in a team setting? These factors often
determine the success of a candidate in a role. That’s why you must
get a sense of who the applicant is beyond their resume.