Page 149 - Boettcher.indb
P. 149
• “Could you provide an example from your career where you
successfully motivated a group to take action, and explain
how you achieved this?”
Regarding the theoretical motivator:
• “Which holds more value to you: taking action or acquiring
• “Do you consider yourself an expert in any area? What is
that field, and how did you acquire that expertise?”
• “What aspects of learning do you find most enjoyable, and
which subjects or topics do you prefer to learn about?”
• “How willing are you to invest time, energy, and effort to
learn about a new subject or topic, especially one you ini-
tially knew little about or had little interest in?”
Ask the Right in-Depth Questions
You may already be adept at asking the right interview questions to
discern an applicant’s behavioral traits and driving factors. To delve
deeper, tailor your questions to evaluate if the applicant excels in
areas crucial to the role. The following questions on specific aspects
of the role can provide the information you need.
For customer service:
• “Can you recount a situation where you handled a custom-
er’s incorrect assertion gracefully?”
• “Describe a time you preempted a customer’s needs without
their prompt.”
• “Tell me about an instance where you exceeded a customer’s
• “Share an experience where you went the extra mile to de-
liver on someone else’s promise.”