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P. 66
Key Point: Actions Before Words
Your demeanor sets the tone for customer interactions.
Approaching a consultation with negativity can inadvertently lead to
the customer mirroring that same energy back to you. Fortunately,
this connection works both ways. When you as a consultant un-
derstand and utilize mirror neurons effectively, you can align with
the customer’s frequency, discerning their needs and offering them
precisely what they value most.
It’s essential to be mindful of the emotional state you bring to each
encounter, as it directly influences the sales journey and the custom-
er’s experience. In the era of instant online feedback, maintaining
a positive customer impact is a priority for the reputation of your
business and services.
Leadership roles especially benefit from this understanding.
Displaying optimism and motivation through your actions can in-
spire your team, whereas exhibiting negativity can dampen their pro-
ductivity. Even over the phone, a smile can translate into a warmer,
more engaging tone, often leading to a more fruitful dialogue.
Try setting an intentional emotional tone for your interactions and
watch the effect it has. Small acts of recognition or a simple compli-
ment can turn an average day into a standout one, fostering a pleas-
ant atmosphere that promotes success and satisfaction.
Tip 3: Cultivating Appeal to Foster Connection
The idea that we’re more likely to be persuaded by someone we like,
or someone we think is attractive, is grounded in the phenomenon