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Ceremonial Parade
he main programme of the Reunion commenced with a High above the dais, the flag of the Regiment of
T spectacular Ceremonial Parade held at the Reunion Artillery was unfurled. Colonel KK Bhandari, who was the
ground of the Artillery Centre. All the bemedalled pensioners parade commander then presented the parade to the Colonel
in their colourful uniforms were sitting in the visitors’ pandal Commandant for inspection. The veteran Gunners, who had
when Lieutenant General Maharaj Shri Rajendrasinhji, DSO, served with mule and horse drawn guns, witnessed with awe
Colonel Commandant arrived. The Colonel Commandant the new generation in rank, file and equipment on display at
accompanied by Brigadier PP Kumaramangalam, DSO, MBE, the parade. Following the Ceremonial Parade the Colonel
mounted the saluting base as the band struck the “General Commandant met all the pensioners.
The Colonel Commandant inspecting the parade A detachment of Boys Regiment heading the marching columns