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Our PTA consists of 5 officers ; Chair person, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Funding Co-

               The committee officers meet up regularly to discuss and forward plan events and opportunities.

               Regular meetings are then held throughout the year to ensure information is passed around and all
               ideas and suggestions can be discussed. We urge a good turnout to all meetings where possible to
               ensure the success of every event.

               Our annual general meeting is held Late August / Early September annually. This is where our new
               committee officer roles are elected each year.

               This is a great opportunity for all parents to come along and hear in more detail about events run
               and fundraised, and how the money has been spent.

               How We raise money

               Our main events each year are our Competitions. These are run in May and November. Although the
               main objective behind these is not to run at a profit, we have been very fortunate that they do both
               run at a very substantial profit. It is easy to get involved on the day by helping out with various jobs
               required, and also by donating sandwiches, baking and raffles.

               The competition funds are in a separate bank account to the PTA, a small percentage of each profit
               made will be retained in the festival account for running costs, inflation and special awards if/when
               We also aim to run other small but beneficial events in a year, and ideas/support for such events is
               always welcomed.

               Alongside, our funding co-ordinator is always seeking new funding opportunities from local
               windfarms and charitable groups that we feel appropriate. (Sports council etc) Once again any
               information on such funding please get in touch.

               How we spend the money we raise

               The money from events is banked straight away. It is at our committee meetings then that it is
               decided how it is spent.
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