Page 18 - CFCM Mar-Apr 2021_Neat
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                                                             investing in these new technologies as they become available and
          CASF NEWS                                          economically feasible.
          As I write this, mid-February, we’re off to a cracking start in   Improvement in the manufacturing industry’s emissions profile
          2021 at CASF with our brand new President, Graham Douglas   in Canada comes from a commitment to invest in pollution preven-
                                                             tion and abatement measures, adds CME’s Greco. In 2016, the latest
          of UBA/Kencro, who is full of energy and great new ideas.
                                                             year for which data are available, capital expenditures on pollution
          We’ve just had our AGM combined with our Q1 Board meeting
                                                             prevention and abatement totaled $734.3 million in the Canadian
          at the end of January and have taken on a management group   manufacturing sector. These investments were heavily concen-
          to help us run CASF. Graham will have put out his first   trated in the sector’s largest GHG emitters: primary metal, chemical,
          President’s Newsletter by the time you read this so you will   petroleum and coal product, paper, and food.
          now have seen most of the exciting news but something I’m   While these technological investments by the sector, (and all
                                                             sectors in Canada), are paying off in reduced emissions intensity,
          particularly pleased about is Mike Kuntz and his Technology &
                                                             this is a small amount compared to what is likely to be needed to
          Communications committee group’s efforts toward a new
                                                             meet Canada’s Paris Agreement and Net Zero targets. In fact, by
          CASF website and graphics package. I’ve seen the new logo   CME estimates, Canada would need to triple its current rate of tech-
          and some of the website ideas and it’s modern, colorful and   nological progress, with emissions intensity falling at a 4.9 percent
          says a lot about the energy level at CASF right now.     average annual pace, just to meet its 2030 emissions reduction
                                                             target. Yves Giroux of the Parliamentary Budget Office, (PBO), set
          Please stay safe and hopefully you’ll each have been able to
                                                             our 2030 GHG emissions goal as 30 percent below 2005 levels and
          get your coronavirus vaccination before the next issue of the
                                                             the current projection is a shortfall of 77 megatonnes in Canada.
          CFCM Magazine hits your desk.                      To meet our 2030 goal would entail an increase in the 2022 carbon
                                                             pricing levy of $50 per tonne, already  a large increase from the

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         18            CANADIAN FINISHING & COATINGS MANUFACTURING                                                                                                 MARCH/APRIL 2021
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