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instead of paint coatings, although this may incur increased cost.
                                                             The combination of metallic and paint coatings can provide very
                                                             long term durability in aggressive environments and an aesthetically
                                                             pleasing appearance.”
                                                               A typical protective paint system involves a primer coat, sealer,
                                                             undercoat, intermediate coat, and finish coat, the company says.
                                                               The Association for Materials Protection and Performance
                                                             (AMPP), formerly the Society for Protective Coatings, represents the
                                                             global community of corrosion and protective coatings professionals.
                                                               Members “are dedicated to advancing technical and practical
                                                             expertise in corrosion prevention and control,” with AMPP helping
                                                             to protect infrastructure and assets worldwide through member and
                                                             workforce education and  credentialing, company accreditation,
                                                             technological innovation, and global standardization.
                                                               AMPP says the structural steel primer is the first consideration
                                                             when approaching a large steel coating project. The primer will both
                                                             protect against the effects of environmental exposure and provide a
                                                             better surface to which a topcoat can cling.
                                                               Because steel is made mostly of iron, it corrodes in the presence of
                                                             oxygen. Even the most benign, controlled interior service environ-
                                                             ments can be corrosive, says AMPP. To prevent that corrosion, owners
                                                             have two choices: Apply protective  coatings to structural steel or
                                                             choose structural material made of rare and costly superalloys.
                                                               “While corrosion protection is the more important role structural
                                                             steel primers play, they also provide a better surface for topcoat
                                                             application,” AMPP says. “Reasons for choosing a topcoat can vary.
                                                             It might be to add even more corrosion protection or it could be
                                                             for aesthetics only. In any case, topcoats last much longer when
                                                             applied over primers. That’s because primers fill in surface defects
                                                             that might otherwise compromise topcoat adhesion.”
                                                               Tradeoffs confront asset owners at every turn. Generally, the
                                                             choice depends on how long an owner intends a coating system to
                                                             last and how much they’re willing to spend.
                                                               For instance, owners interested in long-term asset protection
                                                             often choose intense surface preparations. A well-prepared surface
                                                             reduces the risk of premature coating failure. And if an owner is
                                                             willing to go to the expense of a more involved surface preparation,
                                                             it’s worth a similar investment in a high-quality primer (and top-
                                                             coat). It’s expensive up-front, but the benefit is a coating system that
                                                             remains intact for decades.
                                                               On the opposite end of the spectrum, owners hoping to incur as
                      The Gordie Howe Bridge will link Windsor and Detroit.    little up-front cost as possible are likely to choose a less stringent
                             Photo Credit:   surface preparation and a less costly  primer, too. Less intense
                                                             surface prep can increase the risk of premature failure, though, and
                                                             since this route comes with a lower price tag, owners should expect
           For structural steelwork, the paint film thickness is important for   to recoat the asset more frequently, warns AMPP.
         lasting protection.                                   Greenkote, which makes anticorrosion metal coatings, recently
           “Best results are obtained when coatings are applied in heated,   announced a major expansion at its headquarters facility in Brook
         enclosed workshops; units for bridge structures and building frame-  Park, OH. The expansion comes in response to a surge in demand for
         work can be coated in this manner before erection and additional   corrosion protection on environmentally exposed metal fasteners
         coats may be applied on site, where required,” says Serco. “Modern   and hardware in a number of different industries, the company says.
         coating facilities can automatically blast clean and prime steelwork   “I don’t know if climate change may be a part of it, but we’re seeing
         before departure to site. Where improved resistance to mechanical   notable increases in anticorrosion coating orders for all kinds of
         damage or better durability in  certain environments is required,   different metal parts that are exposed to the elements,” says Mark
         coatings of non-ferrous metals such as zinc or aluminum can be used   Gore, CEO. “The orders are coming from a range of sectors, including
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