Page 19 - CFCM Mar-Apr 2021_Neat
P. 19

Largest Producers of Fossil Fuel Emissions by % – 2019

         current rate, to between $81 and $239 per tonne and we should not   .  Introduce refundable tax credits aimed at commercializing
         expect the final number to be far from $239. And remember, this  2. green technologies. The government has signaled its
         number is split between households and industry and will be even   intention to support green technologies through a reduction
         higher for those not covered under the OBPS!             in corporate taxes paid on these goods. While an important
           In 2020, CME conducted its bi-annual Management Issues     signal, it does not go nearly far enough. First, most companies
         Survey where the association posed a range of questions to Canadian   commercializing these products makes little to no profit in
         companies about business conditions, strategies, and concerns,     the early stages of production so the credit will not have a
         including on climate policies and actions. In short, the responses   meaningful impact. Additional direct support should be
         from Canadian industry tell us that larger companies are much     considered. Second, the range of technologies being
         more likely than smaller companies to have GHG emissions     considered appears narrow to just final consumer products.
         reductions strategies and smaller firms, not surprisingly, are signifi-  This should be broadened to include emissions reducing
         cantly lagging.                                          technologies, such as manufacturing process technologies. 
           At a more detailed level, only one in five Canadian manufacturers
         have established targets but, not surprisingly, responses varied   Finally, the OBPS system was designed to protect our sensitive
         widely depending on firm size: Half of large businesses have set    trade-exposed sectors across the country. The surface finishing
         targets; 30 per cent of medium-sized enterprises have done so; and   industry is one of them and we deserve the recognition and ability to
         less than 10 percent of small manufacturers have done the same.   opt into the OBPS program; we  represent $6.5 billion in annual
                                                             output and thousands of jobs and are under more pressure than ever
         Here are our suggestions to pass along to our       from the U.S., China and Mexico.
         leaders for consideration:                            If you also believe Surface Finishing shops deserve to be
                                                             included in the OBPS program, or support the two suggestions
                Introduce a broad-based, direct, investment tax credit to   above, please consider this article and contact Ms. Katherine
         1. encourage investment in new technologies. This should not   Teeple, Director, Industrial GHG Emissions Management –
              be a program that companies have to apply for and qualify for. and make your feelings known.  n
              Rather, it should be a tax-based program that would apply
              pre-tax and available to all domestic manufacturers who   Bob Smith is Past President and Membership Chair, Canadian
              meet a set measurable reduction in GHG emissions.   Association for Surface Finishing (CASF),

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