Page 35 - Diabetic Clarity
P. 35
Diabetic Clarity
Functional Impairment
Another problem is their functional impairment. Older diabetics tend to
be less active and suffer from more functional impairment. They may
have difficulty with hearing and seeing, may have balance issues,
suffer from peripheral neuropathy (loss of feeling in their extremities)
and so much more.
These problems can limit a diabetic from getting the physical activity
they need to stay healthy and keep their blood sugar down.
Unique Nutritional Needs
The nutritional needs of older diabetic patients are especially important
(though it’s important for any diabetes patient regardless of their age).
As a person ages, their energy needs begin to drop, but the
macronutrient needs stay the same.
It can be very difficult to meet these micronutrient needs if a person
isn’t consuming enough calories. It’s not uncommon for older adults to
suffer from swallowing difficulties, anorexia, altered tastes and others.
This is why doctors are advised to create a Mini-Nutritional Assessment
for older adults with diabetes either with the patient or with their
caregiver and a nutritionist.
The plan needs to take into consideration goals, preferences, their
culture and abilities.
These are just three of the many things doctors with older diabetic
patients need to consider when treating their patients.
Why Are Diabetes Symptoms Overlooked In Older
Many of the classic symptoms of diabetes such as tingling hands or
fingers, blurry vision, weight loss, slow healing wounds, etc. are
overlooked in the elderly as just a sign of getting older.