Page 38 - Diabetic Clarity
P. 38
Diabetic Clarity
What are these goals?
• Ensure that all important food requirements are met such as
vitamins and minerals.
• Ensure that all energy needs are met.
• Ensure that a reasonable weight is attained and maintained.
• Ensure that daily blood glucose levels are not fluctuating
widely and that the level is near normal and safe to decrease
the possibility of complications.
• Reduce serum lipids levels to decrease the possibility of
macro-vascular complication.
Diabetics who need insulin to control their blood glucose levels must
carefully watch what they eat and how much of it. They need to eat at
regular intervals with healthy snacks in between times to prevent the
development of hypoglycemia and maintain complete control over
their glucose level.
Type 2 diabetics who are obese must take great care in losing the
weight. Since obesity can cause insult resistance, people may need
oral anti-diabetic agents or insulin to control how much glucose stays
in the bloodstream.
By losing weight, they may be able to stop the need for medication.
Even a minute weight loss of 10 percent can do wonders for the body
and blood sugar levels.
Even if one is not using insulin to control their diabetes, eat regular,
but smaller meals and regular intervals can help reduce the weight.
Nobody needs to skip a meal, but diabetics most certainly should
never skip them. The key is to pace the food out so that the pancreas
as more manageable demands put on it.
The biggest challenge of dealing with diabetes is adhering to a long-
term diabetes meal plan. Obese diabetics have a little easier time in
that all they need to do is moderately restrict their calorie intake.