P. 83

Kids/Parents  Corner

                        By:  MIKE LANDRY                         you’re more innovative, you can try what one dad did—he
       M                                                         cut his cardboard into 50 triangles, making the coolest look-

                                                                 ing cardboard house I’ve ever seen.
                            y house usually has a flurry of activi-

                            ty.  This  includes  coming  from  and
                                                                 4. Marshmallow Catapults
                            going to school, the library, the pool,
                            and the various sports my kids love to
                                                                 get, it might be time to build some marshmallow catapults.
                            play.  COVID-19  brought  much  of   If you want to create a memory your kids aren’t soon to for-
       this  to  a  standstill  and  my  kids  have  spent  more  time  at   Find  simple  designs  involving  skewers  and  elastics  all the
       home  than  ever  before,  changing  our  battle  against  busy-  way up to more intricate designs that’ll give you a reason to
       ness to a war on boredom.                                 use power tools together. Just make sure you build (at least)
                                                                 two catapults, as the next thing you’ll want to do is put them
       With kids aged 4 to 14 at my house, we’ve had to get crea-  to good use in an epic showdown: Dad versus the kids.
       tive to help pass the time. Some of the best creations we’ve
       come  up  with  have  been  a  team  effort:  making  something   5. Glow in the Dark Bowling
       out of the ordinary alongside our kids. If you’re seeing that   Under normal circumstances, I’d take my kids out bowling
       same sense of boredom at your house, combat it with this   at least a couple of times a year. But here’s a simple way to
       list of 7 easy things to build for kids.                                          bring the fun of the bowling alley
                                                                                         home  to  your  garage,  driveway,
       1.  Driveway Board Game                                                           or basement. All you need is wa-
       A little sidewalk chalk and your imagi-                                           ter bottles, glowsticks, and a ball
       nation  can  go  a  long  way.  An  easy                                          heavy  enough  to  knock  over  the
       thing to build with your kids is an extra                                         water  bottles.  Pour  out  a  bit  of
       -large  version  of  their  favorite  board                                       water,  crack  the  glowsticks,  and
       game.  Use  something  simple  like                                               drop  them  in.  Once  you’ve  got
       Snakes  &  Ladders  or  Candyland  (or                                            your pins set up in an appropriate
       something as complicated as Monopo-                                               “lane,” flip off the lights and get
       ly) and draw it out on your driveway.                                             set to knock them down!
       Bonus  points  if  you  leave  instructions
       out so your neighbors can play, too.                      6. Water Rocket
                                                                 Another  easy  thing  to  build  with  your  kids  that’s  sure  to
       2. Obstacle Course                                        make a memory is a water rocket. Recent Space-X launches
       Another easy thing to build with kids? An indoor obstacle   have many of our kids looking to the skies again, so the abil-
       course. Wander through the house with your kids and look   ity to send their own rocket soaring into the sky is sure to
       for items you could use to test their mettle. Tables, chairs,   capture their imaginations. Part of the beauty of this project
       hockey sticks, pool noodles, string, and cushions all can be   will be the excitement that goes into every launch, and the
       set up to go over, under, or through in a creative way. Time   trial and error that comes with it.
       trials  and  minor  changes  to  the  obstacle  course  will  help
       make it more exciting, more challenging, and a great way to   7. Blanket Forts
       pass the time with your kids.                             Blanket forts are classic for temporarily transforming  your
                                                                 home  into  a  wonderland.  You  can  use  string,  clothespins,
       3. Cardboard Houses                                       cushions, furniture—anything you can suspend, hook, or tie
       While many businesses have suffered tremendously during   a blanket with to transform any room in your house into an-
       the pandemic, online shopping experienced a major surge in   other place. A blanket fort can be a new playspace or a way
       sales. The  surge  in  deliveries  brings  with it  an increase in   to bring new life to family movie night. You also can make a
       cardboard boxes coming through our homes, which brings to   pair of forts to serve as bases for an epic  Nerf war.
       light one of the easiest things to build with your kids: a card-  Sound off: What have you built or done with your kids to
       board  house.  Cut  a  door into a  big  box  and  let  your  kids’   make days at home more exciting?
       imaginations  (and  crayons)  take  care  of  the  rest.  But  if

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