Page 16 - RRP.GPTW.Document.Submission.2020
P. 16
Customer- Tell me about the last time you This question will help you learn what the
service received really great customer candidate deems to be great customer service.
orientation service. A good response will show that the good
customer experience left the candidate with a
very good feeling about the company he or she
was dealing with. Press the candidate to
identify specific details about what made the
experience so great. Follow up by asking how
that experience influenced his or her own
approach to customer service.
What was the most difficult This question will help you assess the
customer service situation you candidate’s ability to handle stressful customer-
ever had to deal with? How did service situations. A good response will show
you handle the situation? the candidate was considerate and willing to try
different approaches. Find out how the situation
the candidate describes was resolved. Did he or
she bring in a supervisor to deal with the
customer? If so, at what point? Follow up by
asking what the candidate learned from the
Why did you choose to go into This question will help you assess the
customer service? candidate’s enthusiasm for working in customer
service. Is the candidate naturally a good fit
with customer service, or is he or she just
looking for a steady job? A good response will
show that the candidate enjoys dealing with
customers and helping solve their problems.
Describe a time when the This type of customer is perhaps the most
customer was wrong. How did difficult to deal with. Assess how the candidate
you handle it? went about explaining the situation to the
customer. A good response will show that the
candidate never lost his or her cool and
remained courteous throughout the experience.
Ask the candidate what he or she learned from
the experience, and if he or she would do
anything differently today.
Flexibility How would you describe the Most candidates will respond to this question by
amount of structure and saying they would like an equal mix of direction
feedback that you need to be and independence. Force the issue by describing
successful? two opposing working situations—one in which
the candidate is left alone to fulfil his or her
responsibilities, and another in which he or she
is closely managed. Ask the candidate which
one he or she prefers. A candidate’s preference
should be in line with your company’s culture.